In episode 5, we hear from parents about how kids affected their relationships, clinical psychologist and sex therapist Nic Beets highlights some of the most common issues experienced by new parents and a couple share an unorthodox conception story.
In episode 5 of BANG! Melody Thomas explores the effects having a baby can have on sex and relationships. For its release, Gareth Hughes, Emily Writes, Laura Borrowdale, Nicola Willis and Gem Wilder share the one thing they wish they'd known about all this before becoming parents.
Gareth Hughes - Green MP
"The one thing I wish someone had told me was parenthood isn't a zero sum game so don't beat yourself up. I travel a lot for work and one of my parenting challenges has been a feeling of guilt I wasn't being as good a father or husband as I wanted to be. On the other hand, when I spent more time with my partner and kids I battled feelings I was failing at my job. It's easy to feel like work and family are in conflict but I know now it's not a zero sum game - you need to find a balance between being a present parent and real person at work."
Emily Writes - Author 'Rants in the Dark'
"I was really worried about how my sex life would change after having kids - I'd hear horror stories of mothers who didn't want to have sex anymore. I'd seen couples break up and say they never had sex anymore. I was worried that would happen to us. My husband and I have always had really great sex - we know each other's bodies really well. After well over a decade together you just do. I was worried that we would lose what we had. And there was nobody saying it would be any different.
I was surprised that actually after kids sex has become even more important to us. It isn't just an outlet for pleasure anymore - it helps us when we are really tired to feel less overwhelmed, it gives us energy, and it brings us closer together. Banging is also a great way to end a pointless fight... of saying, "We are just tired and that's why we are arguing over whether it's going to rain or not today."…
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