• Autumn Leaves and New Beginnings: A Zagreb Debate Tale

  • Oct 3 2024
  • Length: 17 mins
  • Podcast

Autumn Leaves and New Beginnings: A Zagreb Debate Tale

  • Summary

  • Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Autumn Leaves and New Beginnings: A Zagreb Debate Tale Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/autumn-leaves-and-new-beginnings-a-zagreb-debate-tale Story Transcript:Hr: Dani su postajali sve kraći, a lišće je lepršalo hodnicima Srednje škole u Zagrebu.En: The days were becoming shorter, and leaves were fluttering through the hallways of the Srednja škola in Zagreb.Hr: Miris papira i zvuk učeničkih koraka ispunili su dugi hodnik.En: The scent of paper and the sound of students' footsteps filled the long corridor.Hr: Ivana je požurila prema učionici gdje se održavao sastanak debatnog kluba, odlučna da još jednom zablista.En: Ivana hurried towards the classroom where the debate club meeting was taking place, determined to shine once more.Hr: Na sastanku su se raspravljale teme budućeg turnira.En: At the meeting, topics for the upcoming tournament were being discussed.Hr: Svi su pažljivo slušali, ali Ivana je mislima već bila u okršaju.En: Everyone listened attentively, but Ivana was already mentally engaged in the debate.Hr: Pored nje sjedio je Luka, novi učenik, koji joj je često uhvatio pogled.En: Beside her sat Luka, a new student, who often caught her gaze.Hr: Bio je tih, ali zainteresiran.En: He was quiet but interested.Hr: Njegova povučenost izazivala je Ivaninu znatiželju.En: His reticence aroused Ivana's curiosity.Hr: "Ivana, jesi li razmišljala s kim ćeš biti u paru za turnir?En: "Ivana, have you thought about who you'll team up with for the tournament?"Hr: " upitao je Marko, njezin dugogodišnji prijatelj i partner u debati.En: asked Marko, her longtime friend and debate partner.Hr: U njegovu glasu bilo je nešto očekujuće i pomalo nesigurno.En: There was something expectant and slightly uncertain in his voice.Hr: "Razmišljala sam", odgovorila je Ivana.En: "I've been thinking," replied Ivana.Hr: "Želim isprobati nešto novo i možda se partnerirati s Lukom.En: "I want to try something new and maybe partner with Luka."Hr: "Marko joj je uputio začuđeni pogled.En: Marko gave her a surprised look.Hr: Luka, začuvši razgovor, samo je diskretno podigao obrve, mješavina iznenađenja i zadovoljstva.En: Luka, overhearing the conversation, merely raised his eyebrows discreetly, a mix of surprise and satisfaction.Hr: Njegovo novo prijateljstvo s Ivanom raslo je iz časa u čas.En: His new friendship with Ivana was growing by the moment.Hr: Kako su dani prolazili, Ivana je provodila sve više vremena s Lukom.En: As the days passed, Ivana spent more and more time with Luka.Hr: Njihove zajedničke pripreme bile su produktivne i zabavne.En: Their joint preparations were productive and fun.Hr: No, Marko se osjećao izostavljenim i pomalo zavidnim.En: However, Marko felt left out and a bit envious.Hr: Ivana je s njim razgovarala sve manje.En: Ivana spoke to him less and less.Hr: Stigao je dan turnira.En: The day of the tournament arrived.Hr: Školska kantina bila je prepuna učenika i učitelja, svi spremni pratiti debate.En: The school cafeteria was packed with students and teachers, all ready to watch the debates.Hr: Ivana i Luka sjedili su zajedno, povjeravajući jedno drugome posljednje misli.En: Ivana and Luka sat together, sharing their last thoughts with each other.Hr: Marko je sjedio nešto dalje, pripremajući se za vlastiti nastup.En: Marko sat a bit further away, preparing for his own performance.Hr: Kada je njegova tema došla na red, osjećala se napetost.En: When his topic came up, tension was palpable.Hr: Marko se trudio dati sve od sebe, ali povremeno mu je pogled skretao prema Ivani i Luki.En: Marko tried his best but occasionally glanced toward Ivana and Luka.Hr: Nakon burne rasprave, Ivanin tim je nedvojbeno pobijedio.En: After a heated debate, Ivana's team undoubtedly won.Hr: No, umjesto da odmah slavi, Ivana je shvatila koliko je promjena i nesporazuma stvorila.En: However, instead of immediately celebrating, Ivana realized how much change and misunderstanding she had caused.Hr: "Oprosti, Marko", rekla je nakon natjecanja, približivši se prijatelju.En: "Sorry, Marko," she said after the competition, approaching her friend.Hr: "Nisam htjela da se osjećaš zapostavljeno.En: "I didn't mean to make you feel sidelined."Hr: "Marko je uzdahnuo, a onda se osmjehnuo.En: Marko sighed, then smiled.Hr: "Znaš da te razumijem.En: "You know I understand you.Hr: Samo si trebala reći što ti je na umu.En: You just needed to say what was on your mind."Hr: "Ivana mu se zahvalila.En: Ivana thanked him.Hr: Nova bliskost s Lukom nije značila odustajanje od starih prijateljstava.En: The new closeness with Luka didn't mean abandoning old friendships.Hr: S Lukom je, pak, razgovarala o tome kako uravnotežiti ambicije i prijateljstva.En: With Luka, she spoke about how to balance ambitions and friendships.Hr: S prolaskom dana, lišće je nastavilo lepršati, a njihovo prijateljstvo bujalo je poput proljeća usred ...
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