A shift in power as Israel feels change, and a meeting of global democracy gets underway as the week kicks off.
This episode features the song “Aside” by Normcore, available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
Links to this weeks stories :
00:08 Netanyahu Farewell
- Political student turned-rival Naftali Bennett to take his place as prime minister
- A “change” coalition brought together after inconclusive election in March
- Large scale coalition, spanning all of the political spectrum, used to bring him out of office
- Netanyahu uses final speech to attack rival, and highlight Biden as an enemy
- Bennett uses his time to rebuttal, claiming he wants good relations with both US parties and will stand up to Iran
- Bennett also drives home claim to desire peace with Palestine
- Netanyahu promises he will be back
06:54 G7 Summit to Criticize China
- Biden to openly condemn Chinese efforts towards ethnic unification in China, particularly in areas such as Hong Kong and Xinjiang
- G7 countries are primed to begin a new international investment group known as the B3W, or Build Back Better for the World, alluding to his presidential slogan
- The project is designed to counter the Belt and Road initiative designed by China, which provides loans to tens of countries throughout South America, Africa, and the Balkans
- Efforts are highly praised, but unsure of how to proceed, taking shape much like the Paris climate accords
- Financial dedication is a major sore spot, serving as a difficult roadblock to meaningful progress