
  • EP12: The Many Blessings And Curses on House Targaryen | Fire and Blood | Andy's Book Club
    May 3 2023

    When the gods take with one hand, they give with the other. Over the years, the Good Queen Alysanne would be blessed with many more children. But at the same time, tragedies would strike as she would lose a few children as well, due to disease and other complications. The realm, although otherwise prosperous under the good rule of Jaehaerys, would be struck with an unusually cold winter and a pandemic called the Shivers. The wheel of fortune turns, and there's no way for even House Targaryen, as powerful as they are, to escape the whims of fortune.

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    20 mins
  • EP11: The Good Queen Alysanne | Fire and Blood | Andy's Book Club
    Apr 26 2023

    The reign of Jaehaerys and Alysanne is considered to be a golden age for Westeros. Under the watchful eyes of the King and Queen, the populations of all major cities in Westeros grew, and food prices fell. However, not all was going perfectly. The Princess Aerea, daughter of Rhaena and niece to Jaehaerys, was still missing. She had ran away from home on the back of Balerion. Further, Elissa Farman had stolen three dragon eggs from Dreamfyre and was still at large. All this was going on while delegations arrived from Tyrosh and Pentos. The two city states had been at war and requested that Jaehaerys host them in King's Landing to have a neutral ground where they can discuss peace terms. Jaehaerys could not pass up this opportunity to increase his influence in Essos, but rather inconveniently, he had announced his royal procession to the North already and did not want to cancel it last minute for fear of angering Lord Alaric Stark. Thus, a compromise was reached, it would be Queen Alysanne who would embark on this procession alone.

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    20 mins
  • EP10: The Year of the Stranger (54 AC) | Fire and Blood | Andy's Book Club
    Apr 19 2023

    The wheel of fortune turns. Sometimes when the gods give with one hand they take with the other. The years leading up to 54 AC would bring with it many joyous events such as the birth of King Jaehaery's new half brother. However, other tragedies would befall House Targaryen with the deaths of Queen Dowager Alyssa, the High Septon, and the tragedy involving Rhaena's husband Androw Farman who finally had enough of abuse and ridicule from Rhaena and decided to take his revenge in a violent way.

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    19 mins
  • EP9: The Doctrine of Exceptionalism | Fire and Blood | Andy's Book Club
    Apr 12 2023

    Jaehaerys was apprehensive about announcing his marriage to the realm. He had seen the kind of pushback his older siblings, Rhaena and Aegon the Uncrowned, had received when they announced their marriage. Jaehaerys wanted to make absolutely sure that there would be no Faith rebellion. To this end, he assembled a team of seven preachers, whose job it would be to travel all over Westeros and argue for the Doctrine of Exceptionalism. The Doctrine of Exceptionalism states that Targaryens ought to be treated differently compared to other people, since Targaryens were descendants of Old Valyria, whose people practiced incest on a regular basis.

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    16 mins
  • EP8: The Year Of The Three Brides (49 AC) | Fire and Blood | Andy's Book Club
    Apr 5 2023

    The year of 49 AC started off with a bang, with Rhaena announcing her marriage to Androw Farman, the second son of Lord Marq Farman, the ruler of Fair Isle. This announcement was not without its controversy, as Rhaena had not informed nor invited her mother Queen Dowager Alyssa to the wedding ceremony. Lord Rogar Baratheon, the Hand of the King, would announce another big marriage between himself and Queen Dowager Alyssa, finally uniting the two most powerful people in Westeros (as well as two of the most powerful houses in Westeros, with Queen Dowager Alyssa being from House Velaryon). The issue now became who Jaehaerys and his sister, the princess Alysanne, would marry. And when it came to the topic of marriage, Jaehaerys and Alysanne had both already made up their minds as to who they wanted to marry.

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    16 mins
  • EP7: Jaehaerys Ascends To The Iron Throne | Fire and Blood | Andy's Book Club
    Mar 29 2023

    After the terror of Maegor the Cruel, Jaehaerys, the 3rd son of King Aenys and Queen Alyssa, and grandson of Aegon the Conqueror, ascended the Iron Throne at the tender age of 14. The realm held its breath in nervous anticipation, having been traumatized by the Maegor in recent years. Jaehaerys would meet many challenges immediately, such as how to deal with the Faith of the Seven and a small rebellion led by a loud, fat, and charismatic septon named Septon Moon. Can Jaehaerys undo the damage that had been done and lead Westeros into a golden age?

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    15 mins
  • EP6: The Terror of Maegor the Cruel | Fire and Blood | Andy's Book Club
    Mar 22 2023

    Upon seizing the Iron Throne from his late brother King Aenys, Maegor usurped his nephew Aegon who was next in line for the throne. Under Maegor, the Crown and the Faith of the Seven were in a full scale conflict. Maegor's reign lasted 6 years and 66 days. The list of atrocities committed by Maegor grew large and the realm would forever ensure that someone like Maegor shall never rule again.

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    28 mins
  • EP5: The Troubles of King Aenys | Fire and Blood | Andy's Book Club
    Mar 15 2023

    The troubles for King Aenys started immediately as he ascended the Iron Throne. Throughout Westeros, opportunistic rebels launched revolts, and King Aenys was slow to react. In the end it was only with the help of his lords and Queen Dowager Visenya, that the rebels were put down one by one. However, even though he had survived the revolts, the growing rifts from within the Targaryen family were starting to show. A rift between the Crown and the Faith of the Seven was also spiraling out of control. 

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    24 mins