• Yosef Sanchez: From World Class Table Tennis Athlete and Coach to Spanish Language Messianic Torah Leader and Teacher
    Feb 25 2025

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    Before fulfilling his calling in a Latin American Spanish Language Messianic ministry, Yosef Sanchez was, for many years, taking his own journey into becoming a national table tennis champion to represent Mexico in professional table tennis. With his sights focused on becoming a respected top-ten world-class table tennis player, the Almighty, Eternal One of Israel, got ahold of his life and redirected his dream. Instead of going for the Olympic gold in Table Tennis, Yosef came to be a well-known and respected trainer for the paraplegic Christina Hoffman, who, in fact, did go on to become Mexico’s world-class table tennis national champion. But this is just the beginning of the story about Yosef Sanchez. Today, he leads a Spanish-language Messianic ministry in Cancun, Mexico. Indeed, his spiritual life’s journey is engaging, taking him from world-class Table Tennis to world-class biblical research and Spanish language Messianic leadership. This Real Israel Talk Radio program, Episode 171, is the story of the life and journey of Yosef Sanchez from Cancun, Mexico.

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  • Decoding the Zadokite Calendar: The 24 Zadokite Priestly Rotations of 1 Chronicles 24 (PART 4)
    Feb 7 2025

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    I'm speaking with Robert Villa and Sherry Sanders on today's show about the Zadokite Priestly Families of 1 Chronicles 24. Both are on a research team looking into the Dead Sea Scrolls' Calendrical Documents and some detailed minutiae involving the service rotations of the Zadokite families and associated astronomical data. Studying the documents and many like them has given them some incredible insights into the precise timing of the Zadokite Priestly calendar system.

    If you want to learn more about the Zadokite Priestly calendar, how it functions, and how it applies to the biblical calendar today, you are in the right place. On the show today, you will discover that the Zadokite calendar system addresses

    A) 1 precise 364 Day solar cycle

    B) 6 Years of Zadokite Priesthood service rotations per the Calendrical Documents 4Q320, 4Q321, 4Q325, and 4Q328 of the Dead Sea Scrolls.

    C) 1 - 294 Year Creation Week astronomy repetition of Genesis 1:14-19 and the 24 priestly rotations of 1 Chronicles 24.

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  • Decoding the Zadokite Calendar: the Pattern of Intercalation for 2025 (PART 3)
    Jan 24 2025

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    Can we ever hope to solve the problem of nearly 2,000 years of calendar wars regarding when to keep the weekly Sabbath and the biblical feasts?

    In this PART 3 episode of decoding the Dead Sea Scrolls Calendrical Documents belonging to the 24 Zadokite priestly families of 1 Chronicles chapter 24, we will learn about 18 years of research into the biblical concept of "intercalation." This is a mathematical system to reconcile the divinely timed cycles of the Sun and the Moon and how both testify as two witnesses to the proper doing of the weekly seventh-day Sabbath and all the biblical festivals. The 364-day cycle of the Sun and the 354-day cycle of the Moon each have programmed and assigned time cycles that are governed by the mathematics of intercalation. Appropriately applied in tandem with the precision rotations of the 24 Zadokite priestly families and their assigned schedules from 1 Chronicles 24, this guarantees that the seventh-day weekly Sabbath and all the biblical festivals of the Bible never shift away or drift out from their eternally appointed days and seasons.

    From all this, we will discover one thing: DO NOT intercalate and add 7 days at the Spring Equinox of 2025 to celebrate the Hebrew Bible's biblical new year on Wednesday, March 26th, 2025. Fresh, irrefutable research will now prove to us from the two witnesses of Heaven and Earth—the Sun and the Moon—that the biblical Hebrew Covenant New Year should be observed on Wednesday, March 19, 2025. Learn and discover why this is vital information to know.

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  • Decoding the Qumran Zadokite Calendar (PART 2)
    Jan 11 2025

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    Real Israel Talk Radio
    Episode 168

    On today's program, my guest is Professor Jonathan Ben Dov of Haifa University and Tel Aviv University. Professor Ben Dov received international recognition through his scholarly work on the Dead Sea Scrolls, Fragment 4Q324d, with Professor Dr. Eshbal Ratzon. Together, their work on DSS 4Q324d taught them about a little-known biblical celebration of the Hebrew Bible, referred to as the Festival of the Wood Offering on the 29th day of the 6th Month. The WOOD OFFERING FESTIVAL referred to as KORBAN ETZIM, is mentioned in the Temple Scroll 11Q19 Column 23, as well as the DSS Calendrical Document fragments 4Q324d, 4Q325, 4Q327, 4Q365RPc, Flavius Josephus' Wars of the Jews, the Hebrew Book of Nehemiah 10:34 (Heb:35), and Nehemiah 13:29. On this program we will learn about DSS 4Q324d and the Levitical Priestly Calendar of 364 Days and how it relates to the Qumran Priestly Community of the Yachad.

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  • Decoding the Qumran Zadokite Priestly Calendar (PART 1)
    Dec 31 2024

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    EPISODE 167

    Following the Qumran biblical Zadokite Priests and the calendar system they inherited is an essential function of what it means for us to Hear and Do the Torah. Through their teachings, left to us through the Dead Sea Scrolls, we can know precisely WHEN to observe the festivals of the Bible and the biblical observances that are controlled and mapped to specific days and months of the year, times and seasons that cannot and must not be changed.

    Everything about the inherited Zadokite priestly calendar dates and times as they relate to the festivals and the setting of the weekly Sabbath is accurately plotted based on the yearly arrival of what is called New Year’s Day; that is, Month 1 and Day 1 of the royal calendar of Heaven, hereinafter called, the Zadokite Calendar, which by the way, is different from what is known to be the “360-day Enoch Calendar,” the 354-day Lunar Calendar, or the 365 ¼ day Solar Calendar.

    New Year’s Day, on the Zadokite Calendar, is based on establishing Day 1 and Month 1 as with any other calendar of the world’s material cultures. Nonetheless, believers in Yeshua, the Messiah, and the biblical texts that He taught and lived by all are hinged on asking, WHEN IS NEW YEARS DAY? If we get this wrong, then everything else downstream is directly affected. Based on the testimony of Exodus chapter 12:2, among many places, it is actually New Year’s Day, according to the Bible. So, to correctly determine New Year’s Day in the Bible, we must come to know WHEN to proclaim this very special day in any given year. This is because all the yearly festivals and the weekly Sabbaths written about in the Bible are strictly mapped to the events of Day 4 from the Genesis Creation story. This is according to the testimony of the Zadokite Priests of the Qumran, as they wrote about all this in their Calendrical Documents of what is called the Dead Sea Scrolls. Let’s get into it and find out how to determine when to define the all-important New Year’s Day that is, Day 1 and Month 1, in any given year.

    See www.gospelworthdyingfor.com and download their 2025/26 Zadokite 12-month calendar.

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  • Bruce Brill Memoir and author of a book based on true events: Deceit of an Ally and more on the still existing American Intelligence "Jew Room" (PART 2)
    Dec 14 2024

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    Shalom, I am Avi ben Mordechai, and this is Real Israel Talk Radio

    On today’s show, the second of a two-part interview with Bruce Brill, who wrote Deceit of an Ally – A Memoir of Military Anti-Semitism, NSA’s Secret Jew Room and Yom Kippur War Treachery.

    Bruce and four other American US Army servicemen worked for the US National Security Agency (NSA) in 1973. They came to discover a true story of an Un-American Deep-State NSA Cabal in the highest echelon of Washington, D.C.’s Swamp of corruption. They came to learn that US intelligence not only knew Egypt and Syria were going to attack Israel but knew this for a certainty, knew it days in advance, and knew when the attack would commence, contradicting the US intelligence agencies' own claims that everyone was fooled and fully taken by surprise in the events of October 6, 1973, referred to as the Yom Kippur War.

    Of the 1300 books written about that event, not one reveals how Israel fell prey to a deception perpetrated by their American Ally that cost Israel over 2,600 lives. Brill and his colleagues realized that Israel was NOT informed of what American intelligence knew because Israel’s top leaders were intentionally given false intelligence that the Arabs would NOT attack. Precisely fifty years later, this same Cabal of deception once again stepped into action and carried out its evil work before the alleged surprise sneak attack against Israel on October 7, 2023, leading to where we are today in Israeli and Middle East politics.

    Although the term "Jew Room" is no longer used, it has morphed in name only and is still active within the CIA/NSA American intelligence community. Find out more about it here in this podcast. Here is Bruce Brill to continue his story.

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  • Bruce Brill Memoir and author of a book based on true events: Deceit of an Ally and the NSA "Jew Room" (PART 1)
    Dec 2 2024

    Please, feel free to send a text message here and give us feedback. Also, you may send a text msg or leave voicemail (425) 550-6670. Please DO NOT ask questions here because I have no way to respond to your questions. If you have questions, please send an email: questions@cominghome.co.il

    The True Story of an Un-American Deep-State NSA Cabal operating from the offices of their "Jew Room" in the Washington, D.C. Swamp.

    Israeli Bruce Brill and four other American U.S. Army servicemen who worked for the US National Security Agency (NSA) in 1973 discovered that US intelligence not only knew Egypt and Syria were going to attack Israel but knew this for a certainty, knew it days in advance, and knew when the attack would commence. This contradicts the US intelligence agencies' claims that everyone was fooled and taken by surprise on October 6, 1973, and October 7, 2023.

    Of the 1300 books written about the 1973 Yom Kippur War, not one reveals how Israel fell prey to a deception perpetrated by their American Ally that cost Israel over 2,600 precious lives. Brill and his colleagues realized that Israel was NOT informed because they were intentionally given false intelligence that the Arabs would NOT attack. Precisely fifty years later, this same Cabal once again stepped into action and carried out its evil work on October 7, 2023, leading to where we are today in Israeli and Middle East politics.

    Real Israel Talk Radio - Episode 165, PART 1

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  • COMING HOME: Testimony and Spiritual Faith Walk of Avi ben Mordechai
    Nov 18 2024

    Please, feel free to send a text message here and give us feedback. Also, you may send a text msg or leave voicemail (425) 550-6670. Please DO NOT ask questions here because I have no way to respond to your questions. If you have questions, please send an email: questions@cominghome.co.il

    With this episode of Real Israel Talk Radio, I want to share a bit about my life's journey so that you can better understand the changes I have experienced over several decades and why I believe what I believe. In my decades-long search to find my true Jewish identity, I have come to embrace some closure in my understanding that “home” is not a place or a thing that can be found in this world. Difficult as it is sometimes hard to admit publicly, I know that home is not a land or a country on earth. It is not a birthplace, a birthright, a birth culture, and not even an aliyah, or going up to fulfill an inheritance entitlement to a piece of Middle East real estate called “The Land of Israel.” I will go so far as to say that coming home is not even in returning to hear and do the Torah – the Law. For some, this might come across as shocking. Yet, the truth is, all these concepts are essential living expressions and metaphors for everyday life that point us to our true home, which is in the King of all Kings, who rules in and from a divine government belonging to his kingdom - the Kingdom of Heaven. This is our true home in a different dimension of time and space, understood as Jerusalem above.

    This is Episode 164 of Real Israel Talk Radio

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