
  • Meow: The Cats of Agatha Christie
    Mar 2 2025

    First, dogs. Now, cats. Who knows where this podcast will lead me next?

    Come see me on tour! 4th-9th of March in the Northeastern U.S.! Visit my website for more details.

    You can now buy Loose Lips, the second book in my Ghostwriter Mysteries series, here in the United States.

    Check out Kate Jackson's excellent article about cats and mysteries.

    And here is the article I referenced on the blog Literary Potpourri, which I found to be helpful.

    You can also buy The Busy Body, the first book in my Ghostwriter Mysteries series, in paperback at your bookseller of choice (make it an indie if you possibly can) in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia and New Zealand.

    To visit and subscribe to the podcast's Patreon page, click here.

    Visit the podcast on Twitter and Instagram.

    Visit me personally on Facebook at Kemper Donovan Author, or at my author website.

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    56 mins
  • A Special Valentine's Day Episode: All About Love in Agatha Christie
    Feb 14 2025

    Love and marriage are said to go together like a horse and carriage, but what about love and murder? Like a sheep and herder, maybe? I'm just spitballing here, forgive me; I'm a little delirious after exploring so many iterations of love in so many different Christie works. I hope you enjoy the episode. It was a labor of--well, you know.

    BLANKET SPOILER WARNING: spoilers abound in this episode (I cover a lot of ground), so if you are worried about having any Christie novel or short story spoiled for you, please proceed with caution!

    Check out my new article on AgathaChristie.com, all about Christie's transportation and travel mysteries.

    And speaking of transportation and travel mysteries, consider purchasing my new mystery novel, Loose Lips, set entirely on a cruise ship! (The second book in the Ghostwriter Mysteries series.)

    You can listen to two interviews I did on two great podcasts: Mechanicsburg Mystery Presents and Books on the Go.

    And you can check out my author website for more details about my upcoming tour in a few weeks' time, in Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, from Tuesday March 4th through Sunday March 9th.

    Also you can now buy The Busy Body, the first book in my Ghostwriter Mysteries series, in paperback at your bookseller of choice (make it an indie if you possibly can) in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia and New Zealand.

    To visit and subscribe to the podcast's Patreon page, click here.

    Visit the podcast on Twitter and Instagram.

    Visit me personally on Facebook at Kemper Donovan Author or at my author website.

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    1 hr and 23 mins
  • Interview with Lucy Foley, Author of The Midnight Feast (and Other Mysteries)
    Jan 18 2025

    Chances are you know exactly who Lucy Foley is, and have read one of her bestselling mystery thrillers, all of which have been compared to Agatha Christie. Lucy is also a massive Christie fan herself, and it was such a joy to speak with her about her work, and our shared love of Dame Agatha (and in particular Miss Marple!).

    Here are a few organizations to contribute to, in L.A.'s ongoing effort to combat and recover from these devastating fires.

    Los Angeles Fire Department Foundation

    California Community Foundation's Wildlife Recovery

    American Red Cross

    The Salvation Army

    You can now buy Loose Lips, the second book in my Ghostwriter Mysteries series, here in the United States!

    And you can now buy The Busy Body, the first book in my Ghostwriter Mysteries series, in paperback at your bookseller of choice (make it an indie if you possibly can) in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia and New Zealand.

    You can check out my upcoming tour dates here on my author website.

    To visit and subscribe to the podcast's Patreon page, click here.

    Visit the podcast on Twitter and Instagram.

    Visit me personally on Facebook at Kemper Donovan Books, or at my author website.

    Show More Show Less
    1 hr and 4 mins
  • Special Announcement: I Am Okay, But Next Episode Delayed Due to L.A. Fires
    Jan 12 2025

    Thank you to everyone for understanding. As I mentioned, here are a few organizations you can contribute to, if you are so inclined.

    Los Angeles Fire Department Foundation

    California Community Foundation's Wildlife Recovery

    American Red Cross

    The Salvation Army

    Stay safe, everyone.

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    3 mins
  • A Special Christmas Episode: Promotion in the Highest by Agatha Christie Mallowan (with Rev. Dr. Sarah Hinlicky Wilson). . . and Some Holiday Poems, Too!
    Dec 22 2024

    It's always a joy to have the Reverend Doctor Sarah Hinlicky Wilson on the show to explain to us what the heck Agatha Christie Mallowan is getting at in the extremely personal and extremely Christian short stories she wrote within her Star Over Bethlehem and Other Stories collection. Happy holidays to all who celebrate; we certainly know that Agatha Christie did!

    Please note there are a few minor spoilers for Passenger to Frankfurt littered throughout our discussion, which I did not note at the top of the episode. But there is an argument to be made that this novel is un-spoilable, since it barely makes any sense.... (I get to be cheeky around the holidays.)

    You can pre-order Loose Lips, the second book in my Ghostwriter Mysteries series, here in the United States.

    Come see me on tour for Loose Lips, starting in a few short weeks! Visit my website for more details.

    To visit and subscribe to the podcast's Patreon page (a subscription is the perfect holiday gift!), click here.

    Check out all that Sarah Hinlicky Wilson is up to (it's a lot!). Her website is here, and you can visit her podcast, Queen of the Sciences, here. You can also check out her substack here.

    I also mentioned two previous articles Sarah has written, which I believe every Christie fanatic should read for the insights they provide: "Miss Marple's Low Anthropology" and "Agatha Christie, A Very Elusive Christian."

    Visit the podcast on Twitter and Instagram.

    Visit me personally on Facebook at Kemper Donovan Books, or at my author website.

    And you can of course still buy my debut mystery novel, The Busy Body, at your bookseller of choice (make it an indie if you possibly can) in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia and New Zealand.

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    2 hrs and 2 mins
  • Beware Poppy and Mandragora: Within a Wall by Agatha Christie (with Guest Co-Host Michelle Kazmer)
    Nov 27 2024

    It was a joy to welcome Dr. Michelle Kazmer back on the podcast to discuss an early and unusual Christie short story that contains echoes of so much of what we love about Christie overall. For those in the United States who may be feeling a bit fatigued from all the tryptophan consumed this holiday weekend, just be thankful it's nothing compared to the "sleepytime" embrace of one Isobel Loring....

    You can pre-order Loose Lips, the second book in my Ghostwriter Mysteries series, here in the United States.

    To visit and subscribe to the podcast's Patreon page, click here.

    Visit the podcast on Twitter and Instagram.

    Visit me personally on Facebook at Kemper Donovan Books, or at my author website.

    You can buy my debut mystery novel, The Busy Body, at your bookseller of choice (make it an indie if you possibly can) in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia and New Zealand.

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    1 hr and 54 mins
  • Interview with Maureen Johnson, Author of Death at Morning House
    1 hr and 7 mins
  • A Special HALLOWE'EN SPOOKTACULAR Episode: The Fourth Man by Agatha Christie
    Oct 26 2024

    We've got strange goings-on in this early, supernatural Christie short story. What happened to poor Felicie Bault? Could it be a multiple personality disorder? A body swap?! Or something even WEIRDER? You be the judge... but first, delight with me in heaps upon heaps of listener correspondence. Happy Hallowe'en, everyone!

    For U.S. listeners: pre-order Loose Lips, the second book in my Ghostwriter Mysteries series, at your bookseller of choice here.

    Check out this Monsieur Poirot/Miss Marple spoof, The Teddy Bear Who Knew Too Much, courtesy of The Two Ronnies.

    To visit and subscribe to the podcast's Patreon page, click here.

    Visit the podcast on Twitter and Instagram.

    Visit me personally on Facebook at Kemper Donovan Books, or at my author website.

    You can still buy my debut mystery novel, The Busy Body, at your bookseller of choice (make it an indie if you possibly can) in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia and New Zealand.

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    1 hr and 22 mins