We think using the ol’ ageism chestnut when you don’t get a role could be a convenient story you tell yourself. Maybe even an excuse…!
Provocative? Yep. Accurate? Maybe.
Ageism is when we discriminate based on age – younger or older, everyone could experience ageism but when we deem it the reason we didn’t get the job, or the reason we weren’t promoted or the reason we were made redundant or sacked, we would like to challenge your thinking…
In this episode we ask you to answer this question:
“Are you relevant?”
Have you kept up your training, growth and skills development? It’s a jungle out there… things are changingrapidly so if you’re not keeping up then you’ll be pushed out and your age won’t have anything to do with it!
Nanna Phillips and Nanna Dolan reckon they’re ageless progressives… because age is an attitude and they both continue to learn, grow and put themselves out there when it comes to ensuring they remain relevant irrespective of the number on their birth certificate! !
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Produced by Keehlan Ferrari-Brown