Hey dad, wanna have a catch?
Field of Dreams is one of my all-time favorite movies - especially the last scene where Dwier Brown plays the role of Kevin Costner's character's father.
I was honored to have a conversation with Dwier on fate, fatherhood, and Field of Dreams in celebration of Father's Day 2022 and in this podcast Morgan and I go back and react to that conversation including parts of the chat that were previously unreleased.
In this episode, Dwier reminisces on his time on the set of Field of Dreams and shares behind the scenes stories, we discuss his relationship with his grandfather, father, and son, and we talk about the role of fate in the journey we all undertake of becoming who we truly are in this life.
I hope that the video inspires you as much as it did me...and if it does, perhaps send it to the fathers in your life!
Link to Dwier's memoir "If You Build It": https://amzn.to/3FNnulE Order my book Becoming Who You Truly Are 📚: https://www.amazon.com/Becoming-Who-You-Truly-Are-ebook/dp/B0BRLD3WDQ/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1NPNO9LKHKQF7&%3Bkeywords=patrick+parker+becoming&%3Bqid=1673014722&%3Bsprefix=patrick+parker+becoming%252Caps%252C148&%3Bsr=8-1&_encoding=UTF8&tag=patrickpark05-20&linkCode=ur2&linkId=d61df4bd9f060422b28f512404b9fde3&camp=1789&creative=9325
To find out more about my career as a coach, speaker, and author, visit www.patrickaaronparker.com.
"The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are." -Carl Jung