• Should You Get Baptized Again? Understanding Faith, Assurance, and Trust in God
    Mar 13 2025

    In this episode of About Scripture, Dr. Ed Gallagher tackles a key question: Should you get baptized again? Through biblical insight and engaging analogies, he explains why re-baptism often reflects doubt rather than faith. Using Scripture, historical context, and modern comparisons, Dr. Gallagher presents a compelling case for trusting in God's promises rather than questioning past obedience.

    🔹 Key Topics Covered:

    What the Bible teaches about baptism and re-baptism

    Why feeling unsure doesn’t mean you need to be baptized again

    The role of faith and trust in baptism—God’s part vs. our part

    Comparing baptism to circumcision in Galatians

    Why God's promises—not repeated actions—are the better safe than sorry approach

    🔹 Brought to you by:

    Heritage Christian University → hcu.edu

    Ministry League Network → ministryleague.com

    Chapters & Corrected Timestamps:

    00:00 - Introduction & Podcast Overview

    00:04 - About About Scripture & Partnerships

    00:26 - Should You Get Baptized Again? The Big Question

    01:02 - Clarifying Common Misconceptions About Baptism

    02:30 - Why Baptism Is About Faith, Not Performance

    04:10 - Re-Baptism as a Lack of Trust in God

    06:25 - A Hard-Hitting Analogy: Trusting the Process

    08:10 - Comparing Baptism to Circumcision (Galatians 6:12-13)

    10:30 - The Role of Faith in Salvation & Baptism

    12:15 - The Danger of Making Baptism About Us, Not God

    14:00 - Why ‘Better Safe Than Sorry’ Can Be Dangerous Thinking

    16:20 - Trusting God’s Promises Over Personal Doubts

    18:30 - Baptism and the Stone-Campbell Movement's Distinctives

    20:00 - Final Thoughts: Faith, Trust, and Moving Forward

    21:00 - End & Closing Remarks

    Keywords & Hashtags:

    #AboutScripture #Baptism #Rebaptism #ChristianFaith #Galatians #TrustGod #FaithNotWorks #Grace #Salvation #BibleStudy #DrEdGallagher #ChristianPodcast #HeritageChristianUniversity #MinistryLeague #StoneCampbellMovement

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    22 mins
  • Understanding Morality in To Kill a Mockingbird: Mrs. Dubose and the Nature of Virtue
    Mar 13 2025

    In this episode of About Scripture, Dr. Ed Gallagher explores the complexities of morality, virtue, and judgment through the lens of To Kill a Mockingbird. Focusing on the character of Mrs. Dubose, a deeply flawed yet courageous woman, Dr. Gallagher examines what it means to acknowledge both the virtues and vices in individuals.

    How does To Kill a Mockingbird challenge modern black-and-white views of morality? Should we admire aspects of someone’s character even if they have significant flaws? What lessons can Christians draw from Atticus Finch’s perspective on justice and understanding?

    Dr. Gallagher connects these literary themes to scriptural principles, referencing Romans 3, Matthew 7:1, and insights from Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis. He also reflects on the dangers of cancel culture, the importance of context when evaluating historical figures, and how Jesus himself embodied the practice of walking in another’s shoes.

    Join us as we grapple with these essential questions and seek a more nuanced understanding of morality, both in literature and in our faith.

    🔹 Brought to you by:

    Heritage Christian University → hcu.edu

    Ministry League Network → ministryleague.com

    Chapters & Timestamps:

    00:00 - Introduction & Welcome

    00:09 - The Purpose of About Scripture

    00:32 - Revisiting To Kill a Mockingbird: Mrs. Dubose’s Role

    01:47 - The Complexity of Morality in Literature

    03:22 - The Cosby Show & The Ethics of Separating Art from Artist

    06:41 - Mrs. Dubose: A Racist Yet Courageous Character

    09:15 - Atticus Finch’s Perspective on Virtue

    12:30 - Understanding the Historical Context of Racism

    15:42 - Romans 3: Are Any of Us Truly Righteous?

    18:00 - C.S. Lewis on Moral Judgment & Mere Christianity

    21:27 - Lessons for Christians: Empathy & Understanding Others

    24:00 - Conclusion & Final Reflections

    Keywords & Hashtags:

    #AboutScripture #ToKillAMockingbird #AtticusFinch #MoralJudgment #Christianity #Faith #BibleStudy #MereChristianity #Romans3 #Courage #Grace #Virtue #CancelCulture #ChristianPodcast #DrEdGallagher #HeritageChristianUniversity #MinistryLeague

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    29 mins
  • Justice, Judgment, and Perspective: A Reflection on To Kill a Mockingbird
    Mar 7 2025

    In this episode of About Scripture, Dr. Ed Gallagher reflects on To Kill a Mockingbird, discussing themes of justice, morality, and cultural perception. He analyzes Atticus Finch’s role in the novel, explores Roger Ebert’s critique of the book and film adaptation, and examines how literature influences ethical reasoning.

    Is To Kill a Mockingbird a nostalgic reimagining of history or a lament about the moral failings of society? Dr. Gallagher unpacks the novel’s historical context, its impact on readers, and how the story aligns with biblical principles—particularly Matthew 7:1, which warns against judgment.

    This discussion challenges us to reconsider how we measure virtue and justice, both in fiction and real life.

    🔹 Chapters (EXACT to 24:00 runtime):

    00:00 - Introduction & Series Overview

    00:30 - Why Discuss To Kill a Mockingbird?

    02:40 - The Role of Mrs. Dubose in the Novel

    04:55 - Atticus Finch: The Bravest Person?

    10:15 - Roger Ebert’s Critique: Wishful Thinking or a Lament?

    18:20 - How Literature Shapes Ethical Thinking

    22:00 - Biblical Reflection: Judge Not, Lest You Be Judged (Matthew 7:1)

    23:30 - Final Thoughts and Takeaways

    📖 Keywords: To Kill a Mockingbird analysis, Atticus Finch moral lessons, Roger Ebert review, biblical justice, Christian perspective on literature, Matthew 7:1 meaning, ethical reasoning in storytelling, Harper Lee novel themes, faith and literature, judgment in Christianity, morality in fiction

    📢 Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and share for more insightful biblical discussions!

    #AboutScripture #ToKillAMockingbird #JusticeAndFaith #ChristianPerspective #BiblicalEthics #AtticusFinch #HarperLee #FaithAndMorality #JudgeNot #EthicalReasoning #RogerEbert #ChristianPodcast #GospelTruth

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    25 mins
  • Daniel 12: A New Hope—Resurrection and the Afterlife in the Old Testament
    Mar 7 2025

    In this episode of About Scripture, Dr. Ed Gallagher explores Daniel 12, a passage that introduces a new hope in the Old Testament—the resurrection of the dead. While much of the Hebrew Bible presents a murky view of the afterlife, Daniel 12 offers clarity on resurrection and judgment. Dr. Gallagher examines the biblical concept of Sheol, the development of Jewish and Christian beliefs about life after death, and how Jesus' resurrection transforms our understanding of eternity.

    🔹 Topics Covered:

    The Old Testament view of the afterlife and Sheol

    How Daniel 12:2-3 introduces resurrection as a new hope

    The contrast between Jewish and Christian eschatology

    Paul’s discussion of resurrection in 1 Corinthians 15

    How Jesus' resurrection serves as the firstfruits of our hope

    🔹 Keywords & Hashtags:

    #Daniel12 #BibleProphecy #Resurrection #Afterlife #ChristianPodcast #BiblicalHope #Eschatology #AboutScripture #OldTestamentTheology


    00:00 - Introduction: A new hope in Daniel 12

    00:04 - What is Sheol? The Hebrew Bible’s view of the afterlife

    07:00 - Job’s lament: No resurrection hope?

    10:30 - Daniel 12:2-3—The first clear reference to resurrection

    14:00 - The wise will shine like stars—A vision of transformation

    17:30 - Resurrection in the New Testament: Paul’s view in 1 Corinthians 15

    21:00 - Jesus as the firstfruits of resurrection

    24:00 - Conclusion: The significance of Daniel 12

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    24 mins
  • Daniel 11: The King of the North—Antiochus or Antichrist?
    Mar 7 2025

    In this episode of About Scripture, Dr. Ed Gallagher revisits Daniel 11, focusing specifically on the final ten verses (Daniel 11:36-45). While much of Daniel 11 aligns with known historical events—especially the rise and reign of Antiochus IV Epiphanes—the last portion of the chapter presents a mystery. Do these verses still describe Antiochus, or do they point to a future Antichrist, as many Christians have believed throughout history? Dr. Gallagher explores different interpretations, evaluates the prophecy’s accuracy, and discusses how biblical prophecy often provides big-picture fulfillment rather than exact details.

    🔹 Topics Covered:

    The historical accuracy of Daniel 11

    The conflicts between the Ptolemies (King of the South) and the Seleucids (King of the North)

    The rise of Antiochus IV Epiphanes and his persecution of the Jews

    The problem of verses 40-45: Do they fit Antiochus or describe someone else?

    Could this passage predict Rome or the Antichrist?

    How biblical prophecy is often fulfilled in symbolic rather than literal ways

    🔹 Keywords & Hashtags:

    #Daniel11 #BibleProphecy #AntiochusEpiphanes #EndTimes #BiblicalHistory #ChristianPodcast #ProphecyFulfilled #Antichrist #AboutScripture


    00:00 - Introduction: Revisiting Daniel 11 for deeper analysis

    00:04 - Overview of Daniel 11 and its prophecy

    02:30 - The historical backdrop: Persian Empire to Alexander the Great

    05:10 - The division of Alexander’s empire: The Seleucids & Ptolemies

    08:40 - Wars between the King of the North and the King of the South

    12:00 - Antiochus IV Epiphanes: The little horn from Daniel 8

    15:45 - Verses 40-45: The prophecy that doesn’t match history

    18:30 - Does this passage predict the Antichrist?

    22:10 - Burton Coffman’s view on Daniel 11 and the Antichrist

    25:00 - Biblical prophecy and symbolic fulfillment in Scripture

    29:00 - Conclusion: Lessons from Daniel 11

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    30 mins
  • Daniel 11 and the Struggle for Power: Prophecy, Politics, and the People of God
    Mar 6 2025

    In this episode of About Scripture, Dr. Ed Gallagher unpacks the historical and prophetic layers of Daniel 11, a passage that details the power struggles between the Ptolemies and Seleucids—two dynasties that ruled after Alexander the Great. With Judah caught in the crossfire, Dr. Gallagher explores the political chaos of the era, the rise of Antiochus IV Epiphanes, and his persecution of the Jewish people. He also examines the controversial final verses of the chapter: Do they describe Antiochus, Rome, or the Antichrist? Tune in for a compelling discussion on power, suffering, and God’s control over history.

    🔹 Topics Covered:

    • The political landscape of Daniel 11
    • Judah caught between warring empires
    • Antiochus IV Epiphanes and his persecution of the Jews
    • The role of prophecy in history
    • Debating the identity of the "King of the North"

    🔹 Keywords & Hashtags:
    #Daniel11 #BibleStudy #AntiochusEpiphanes #BibleProphecy #OldTestament #EndTimes #Seleucids #Ptolemies #ChristianPodcast #AboutScripture

    00:00 - Introduction: Welcome to About Scripture and episode overview
    00:30 - The wrong people in power? A historical perspective
    02:00 - Daniel 11: Prophecy and political turmoil
    03:20 - Alexander the Great and the division of his empire
    04:40 - The Seleucids and Ptolemies: Judah caught in the middle
    06:10 - The "King of the North" and "King of the South" explained
    08:00 - Antiochus IV Epiphanes: The infamous persecutor of the Jews
    10:15 - The suffering of God's people under oppressive rulers
    12:30 - The accuracy of Daniel’s prophecy in historical context
    14:45 - Do the final verses of Daniel 11 predict the Antichrist?
    17:10 - Different interpretations of the ‘King of the North’
    20:00 - The lasting message of Daniel 11: God’s sovereignty over history
    22:30 - Closing thoughts: Faith in uncertain times

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    26 mins
  • Unveiling Daniel 10: The Final Vision, Angelic Battles, and Spiritual Warfare Explained
    Aug 21 2024

    In this episode of "About Scripture," we dive deep into Daniel 10, exploring the final vision in the Book of Daniel and its profound implications. Join us as we unravel the mysteries of angelic conflicts, spiritual warfare, and the role of unseen forces in shaping the destiny of nations. Discover how these ancient biblical prophecies relate to today's world and what they reveal about God's ultimate authority.


    00:00 - Introduction to the Podcast and Partnership

    01:20 - Overview of Daniel 10 and its Significance

    03:45 - Daniel’s Mourning and the Angelic Encounter

    07:30 - The "Man in Linen" and the Final Vision

    10:15 - The Concept of Angelic Princes and Their Nations

    15:50 - Spiritual Warfare: Angels in Conflict

    20:05 - Connecting Daniel 10 with New Testament Teachings

    25:40 - Understanding the Role of Spiritual Forces Today

    30:00 - Key Takeaways: Trusting in God's Ultimate Authority

    Watch now to gain deeper insights into the powerful messages hidden within Daniel 10 and how they resonate with the challenges we face in the modern world. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more in-depth biblical discussions!

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    To find out more or to apply, go to www.hcu.edu


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    24 mins
  • Bonus Episode: Balancing Mission and Home Life | Biblical Insights from Jesus and Paul
    Jul 29 2024

    Discover profound biblical insights on balancing mission and home life in this episode of the "About Scripture" podcast, brought to you by Heritage Christian University and the Ministry League Network. Explore the teachings of Jesus and Paul and learn how to integrate faith into every aspect of your life.

    🌟 Subscribe for more biblical insights and practical wisdom! 🌟

    Timestamps: 0:00 - Introduction and Welcome 1:10 - Overview of the Episode Topic 3:45 - Biblical Examples of Balance: Jesus and Paul 7:30 - Mark 3:31-35: Jesus' Family and Mission 11:20 - 1 Corinthians 7: Paul's Views on Marriage and Mission 15:55 - Ephesians 5: Marriage as a Model for God's Love 20:40 - The Unique Opportunity of Home Life in the Mission 24:00 - Personal Story: Faithfulness in Marriage 28:30 - Conclusion: Integrating Faith in All Aspects of Life

    Keywords: balance mission home life, biblical insights, Jesus and Paul teachings, Heritage Christian University, Ministry League Network, balancing faith and family, Ephesians 5 marriage, 1 Corinthians 7, Mark 3:31-35, About Scripture podcast, Christian podcast, integrating faith, practical biblical wisdom, faith and family balance, Christian life guidance.

    Tags: #ChristianPodcast #BiblicalInsights #FaithAndFamily #JesusAndPaul #AboutScripture #HeritageChristianUniversity #MinistryLeagueNetwork #MarriageAndMission #Ephesians5 #1Corinthians7 #ChristianLife


    Additional Info:

    • Website: hcu.edu
    • Partnerships: Heritage Christian University, Ministry League Network
    • Follow Us: www.facebook.com/heritagechristianuniversity
    • Listen to More Episodes: youtube.com/@ministryleague youtube.com/@heritagechristianuniversity

    Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more enriching content!

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    22 mins