
  • Let’s Talk Porn - It Is a Drug, but Why Isn’t It Treated as an Addiction?
    Apr 23 2023
    We have to talk about porn! We have to talk about what message porn is sending and what it teaches our children! More and more extreme content found in mainstream porn, making people less sensitive to sexual aggression. Despite these alarming facts, porn is still one of our biggest taboos. Today, most children are first exposed to pornography at a worryingly young age, in fact, porn is the number one sex educator among young teenagers.
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    13 mins
  • Startup Funding Explained - Investment Rounds and Sources to Get Capital for a Business
    Apr 22 2023
    Fortunately for entrepreneurs, startup funding is at an all-time high. Global venture funding hit $437 billion in Q3 of 2021, up from $284 billion in 2020. Startups around the world benefit from this influx of capital, with the average global deal size at $25 million. Startups worldwide raised a total of $641 billion from investors in 2021.
    So, how do you get a piece of the funding pie? This book explains the essentials of startup funding so you know what types are available, how funding rounds work, and how to get money to start and grow your business.

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    15 mins
  • Money Rulebook - Money Rules of Thumb You Need To Know
    Apr 20 2023
    When it comes to personal finance, the key word is "personal." There are no one-size-fits-all rules for running your budget, savings, retirement planning, or other aspects of your financial life.
    With that said, some general, tried-and-tested rules can be helpful for planning your financial life. While you might decide to tweak these rules in the application, they can be helpful for guiding your financial decision-making.
    So without further ado, here are 31 financial rules of thumb that will help you rock your budget (and retirement savings, future financial planning, and more!)
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    14 mins
  • How to Change Careers at Any Age - From Choosing the Right Field to Minimize Regrets
    Apr 19 2023
    Most people spend a third of their lives — or 90,000 hours — at work. Changing your career can sometimes be the next best step in your career journey and, in many instances, may be necessary to live the life you want; in many instances, may be necessary to live the life you want. Because this is a big decision that will affect the rest of your professional life, taking the time to do it right is essential.
    No matter how you plan and execute a career change, there are some steps you can take to help manage the process. If you are thinking about changing your career, maybe it’s time to start!
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    12 mins
  • Start Food Truck Business and Make Money – Discover 3 STEP Framework on How to Open a Food Truck Business
    Apr 14 2023
    An Interesting Business venture for #foodies also as for those that are seeking something interesting in low capital. The food truck is a large vehicle use for cooking and selling food. #FoodTruckBusiness may be a great opportunity for entrepreneurs whose passion is serving food. it's beneficial in some ways that there's no need for busing costly spaces.
    It's not uncommon for you to be interested in starting such a food business. In this book, you’re going through step by step how to start a food truck business.
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    18 mins
  • How to Impress A Girl and Get Her Attention - 10 Tricks to Make Girls Notice You
    Apr 11 2023
    Sometimes it’s the smallest thing that makes a lasting impression. A single smart comment or a couple of small gestures can really impress a woman, while an offensive remark or a display of carelessness can utterly doom your chances. A woman will decide relatively quickly whether or not you’re date-worthy, and all the little things you do or don’t do will help her make up her mind.
    With these realities in mind, we’ve put together this list of the top 10 simple ways to impress a woman. Nothing complicated here. Nothing time-consuming or exceptionally difficult. But this list of habits, comments, and behaviors could make the difference between getting her number and getting a dirty look.
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    6 mins
  • How to Make Money on Youtube - 5 Ways to Make Money on YouTube Without a Million Subscribers
    Apr 9 2023
    If you’re wondering how to make money on YouTube then look no further. Today I’m going to show you 5 strategies to earn income from your Youtube channel.
    YouTube is the 2nd most visited site in the world. Nearly 2 billion users log in every month who devour 5 billion YouTube videos every single day. So if you don’t know how to leverage this massive audience, you might be leaving a lot of cash on the table.
    It’s a common misconception that all YouTubers make their money from getting a ton of views on their videos. A million views are not really that attainable for people just starting out, so let me teach you how you can make money on YouTube without having to rely solely on views.
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    10 mins
  • Billionaires Wake Up EXACTLY at 4:00 AM...This Is Why – Waking Up at 4:00 AM Every Day Will Change Your Life
    Apr 6 2023
    This book will show you, why it is very important to rise early so you can maximize your potential and create a life full of success and a vision for the future.

    Topics covered:
    change your life
    change your future
    how to wake up early
    morning motivation
    How to become successful
    How to be rich
    Morning habits
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    7 mins