After an a specific experience and understanding in a psilocybin trip Laren became interested in the relationship between people who had psychosis experiences to spiritual awakening.
Laren shares his tumultuous journey of how he became a heart centered therapist by literally going through the darkest depths including drug addiction and a psychotic breakdown and so much more.
Laren Corrin I utilizes the evidence-based approach of Emotion Focused Therapy as a framework to explore your felt experience and bring harmony to different parts of yourself. He shares mindfulness tools from his over 20 years of study in yoga, meditation, and nondual self-inquiry. The evidence is strong and growing that these practices can bring profound benefits to mental and emotional wellness.
Laren has a special interest in exploring and integrating the lasting impact of spiritual, kundalini, entheogen/psychedelic, and other extreme experiences that are frequently misdiagnosed as mental illness. These experiences can often be distressing and disabling and, combined with a history of trauma, often take significant time, space, and support to make peace with. He believes you are the expert of your own experience and that is where he starts, by listening to your experience.
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IG: Corrine Champigny, TurningPoints_Podcast, theseanron
FB: Corrine Champigny, Turning Points Podcast
YouTube: Corrine Champigny, Turning Points Podcast