In Part 14 of the retreat, Fulton Sheen reflects on the current spiritual challenges faced by the Church and the faithful, describing the present era as a profound hour of testing. He declares that Christendom, the societal influence of Christian principles, has come to an end, though Christianity and the Church remain alive. Sheen highlights symptoms of moral decay, including the breakdown of the family, dishonesty, and the normalization of immorality, all of which signify a decline from within rather than an attack from without. He emphasizes the need to resist conformity to the secular world, warning against the spirit of worldliness that tempts Christians to compromise their faith.
Sheen situates this decline within the historical rhythm of the Church’s death and rebirth, noting parallels with previous crises such as the fall of Rome, the Muslim invasions, and the Reformation. He asserts that the current challenge lies in combating the spirit of the world, which seeks to dilute Christian values. Despite this bleak assessment, Sheen expresses hope, viewing this testing as an opportunity for a creative and faithful minority to emerge. He likens this remnant to Caleb and Joshua, who trusted in God’s promises despite opposition, urging the faithful to embrace their identity as a “minority report” committed to upholding divine truth.
Concluding with a call to action, Sheen underscores the necessity of discipline, sacrifice, and a return to the “sword” of spiritual warfare within oneself. He ties this personal transformation to peace, arguing that societal peace cannot exist without individual peace with God. The central remedy he proposes is the Holy Hour, which he sees as an act of personal and collective reparation, empowering the faithful to persevere amidst adversity. Sheen closes with a poignant reminder that true victory has already been secured in Christ, though the world has yet to fully realize it.