Join Dr. Danielle Belardo and her expert of the week for a special two-part episode with world renowned lipidologist, Dr. Thomas Dayspring, better known on his infamous twitter account as @Drlipid. On today’s episode, he dives headfirst into the world of lipidology, providing listeners with a detailed overview of all things cardiovascular health. Danielle and Thomas get right into the cardiovascular myths and misinformation out there, like the dangerous glamorization of certain diets and all natural supplements. So much necessary and educational ground to cover, so make sure to tune in for part 2 next week. Dr. Belardo and Dr. Dayspring discuss: What is considered normal vs. abnormal lipoprotein levels The main differences between primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease The misinformation surrounding ApoB proteins and atherosclerosis Why the keto diet is a threat to cardiovascular health Benefits of guideline-directed medical therapy Dr. Thomas’ concerns with plant-based supplements for cholesterol treatment The powerful history of statins and why Dr. Belardo and Dr. Dayspring stand behind them as a treatment for cardiovascular disease Dr. Thomas Dayspring is a world-renowned expert on atherothrombosis, lipoprotein, vascular biology, and advanced lipoprotein testing. With an extensive background of over 37 years in medicine as a clinical lipidologist, Dr. Dayspring has dedicated his career to cardiovascular health. In addition to 17 years of devoted consulting for patients with the most complex lipid disorders in the country, he has served as the Chief Scientific Officer at two of the largest cardiovascular labs for more than 7 years. He is also an official board member of both the American Board of Internal Medicine and the American Board of Clinical Lipidology. Dr. Dayspring has given over 4000 lectures in all 50 states and is considered one of the most requested speakers in the U.S. Thank you so much for taking the time to contribute to a generation that values fact over fiction! Be sure to rate, review, and follow on your favorite podcast app and let us know which not-so-wellness trend you’d like to hear debunked. Follow your host on Instagram @daniellebelardomd and the podcast @wellnessfactvsfiction. All studies discussed can be found @wellnessfvfjournalclub. Follow Dr. Dayspring @Drlipid. Thank you to our sponsors for making this episode possible. Check out these deals just for you: COZY EARTH - Go to and enter WELLNESS at checkout to SAVE thirty-five Percent. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit