Old friend JEFF DWOSKIN - host of LIVE FROM DETROIT & CROSSING THE STREAMS drops by and drops a few names...You could find him at www.jeffisfunny.com
WITHIN THE HEAD OF FREDD is Hosted by Authors Fredd Carroll & Jennifer Field
More than just R rated comedy, or usually NOT!
See all our videos on our YOUTUBE CHANNEL - https://bit.ly/TheHeadOfFredd
SHOW INSTAGRAM PAGE - https://www.instagram.com/the_head_of_fredd
OUR WEBSITE – WWW.FreddHeads.com
We have shirts, hats, Coffee Mugs and more in our Double DD Thrift Shop – WWW.VenomStudioz.com/double-DD-Thriftshop
To learn more about the hosts. Please follow us on Social media.
FREDD HEADS GROUP - https://www.facebook.com/groups/freddheads
FREDD'S BOOKS - https://bit.ly/AuthorFreddCarroll
FREDD’S FACEBOOK - http://bit.ly/AuthorFredd
FREDD’S INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/authorfredd
FREDD’S TWITTER - https://twitter.com/CtScreenwriter
WEBSITE - https://venomstudioz.com/fredd-carroll
JENNIFER’S BOOKS - https://bit.ly/AuthorJenniferField
JENNIFER’S FACEBOOK - http://bit.ly/JenniferField
JENNIFER’S INSTAGRAM - http://bit.ly/JenniferFieldInstagram
JENNIFER’S TWITTER - http://bit.ly/JenniferFieldTwitter
WEBSITE - https://venomstudioz.com/jennifer-field
FREDD CARROLL also hosts
ENDING THE STIGMA – A Path to recovery with life coach SCOTT H. SILVERMAN
Each week they discuss mental Health and Addiction in hopes of helping those in need. It is a LIVE show available on Facebook & YouTube
FACEBOOK GROUP – http://bit.ly/EndingTheStigmaGroup
ENDING THE STIGMA YOUTUBE - https://bit.ly/EndingTheStigma