
  • 60: A Chat with Ghosts and Me Author Kevin Killen
    Nov 17 2020
    Kevin works as a substance abuse counselor and often experiences paranormal activity where he works. Is the building haunted, and, if so, is he a beacon to restless spirits who haven't crossed over yet? The ghouls had an interesting chat with him about causes and effects that may influence hauntings. HAUNT MESS HAUNTED HEADLINES OF THE WEEK Mysterious Milwaukee lights, largest online seance, haunted sunglasses WHAT MAKES THIS EPISODE MESSY Haunted Sunglass Hut Battling inner demons Family Circus GUEST INFO Find Kevin Killen's book at Ozark Mountain Publishing (https://ozarkmt.com/) or on Amazon (https://amzn.to/35CtFIA) . WHERE ELSE TO GET MESSY WITH THE GHOULS Website:  https://ahauntmess.blogspot.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/ahauntmess/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/AHauntMess Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/podcastahauntmess/?hl=en THE GHOULS Deedee, Sara, and Courtney MUSIC Nightmare Machine by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4133-nightmare-machine License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
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    1 hr and 13 mins
  • 59: Para Twofer w/ Kris Sumner of Soul Sisters Paranormal and Miranda Young of Ghost Biker Explorations
    Nov 10 2020
    The ghouls welcomed back Kris Sumner of Soul Sisters Paranormal and Miranda Young of Ghost Biker Explorations. Each had been guests separately before, but this time they came as a package deal! Both ladies investigate separately, but they also often team up on their paranormal investigations, so sometimes that results in cross-over episodes. Speaking of, the third season of Miranda's Ghost Biker Explorations dropped during October. Kris is working on a new Soul Sisters Paranormal offshoot series called Landmark Legends and Lore. Both Kris and Miranda focus on creating history-driven content. As Miranda put it, travel and history come first, the paranormal actually factors in third and is an added bonus. Do ghosts know when you're sleeping, and therefore vulnerable? How far would you go when dressing the part and becoming a trigger item? Is Chris Watts' house haunted? (The man who murdered his wife, Shan'ann, and their two daughters, Bella and Cece in Colorado.) Did neighbor security cameras and police body cams capture their spirits? These are just some of the conversations the ghouls had with Kris and Miranda. But there was a lot of activity...including several appearances by the AHM's Podcast Phantom, who was either being a real drag or was turned on by five smart and sexy ladies gathered together dishing about the paranormal. (The ghouls will be dropping a separate video with Kris and Miranda trying to help them figure out what was going on.) But for now, here's what else you can expect to hear in this episode... HAUNTED PLACES DISCUSSED IN THIS EPISODE Farnsworth House Inn in Gettysburg, PA The Grand Old Lady Hotel in Balsam, NC Revenant Acres Farm in Indiana Ma Barker House Henry Mill River Village in North Carolina The Willows Weeps house in Cayuga, Indiana (which is also sometimes called the "cross house" because it's built n the shape of an upside-down cross and is apparently dubbed the Most Evil House in North America) WHAT MAKES THIS EPISODE MESSY A podcast phantom who's either a drag or a heavy breather Airwick & Febreze air fresheners A dude licking a lady's hand while she's sleeping (which is also super creepy) Moonshine GUEST INFO You can find their YouTube and socials by visiting each of their websites, which are: Miranda and Ghost Biker Explorations: https://ghostbikerexp.wixsite.com/ghostbiker Kris and Soul Sisters Paranormal: https://www.soulsistersparanormal.com/ WHERE ELSE TO GET MESSY WITH THE GHOULS Website:  https://ahauntmess.blogspot.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/ahauntmess/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/AHauntMess Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/podcastahauntmess/?hl=en THE GHOULS Deedee, Sara, and Courtney MUSIC Nightmare Machine by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4133-nightmare-machine License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
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    1 hr and 10 mins
  • 58: The Haunting, Scary, Crazy TV Shows and Movies Review Episode
    Nov 3 2020
    DISCLAIMER Spoiler Alert mode activated for this episode! EPISODE SUMMARY It all started because of the Unsolved Mysteries "Tsunami Spirits" episode, which the ghouls discussed in this episode, but they also dish about other Netflix movies and shows, including The Haunting of Bly Manor. But not all were Netflix oriented. They also discussed American Horror Story, Paranormal Activity, Dead Birds, The Cleansing Hour, Hell House LLC, Houses That October Built, just to name a few. Which ghoul passes on big Hollywood horror movies with big name stars? Which ghoul (or ghouls) prefer psychological horror to gore in their scary movies? Which ghoul forced herself to sit through Texas Chainsaw Massacre? Which ghoul couldn't finish Drag Me Back to Hell? Which ghoul can't watch zombie movies? But before they got to all that, they shared Haunted Headlines. HAUNT MESS HAUNTED HEADLINES OF THE WEEK Demi Lovato sees aliens and Miley Cypress uses meditation to contact them. What's up with Snapchat and Tik Tok always capturing ghosts? Even Bigfoot as a social distancing champion isn't immune to a coronavirus pandemic controversy: believers believe in Bigfoot but not the science of COVID. WHAT MAKES THIS EPISODE MESSY Flamingo fetishes Naked dolls on Deedee's husband's phone Turdcules (Which, don't forget, if you buy a bottle from https://turdcules.com/ and use code HAUNT10, you get 10% off and the ghouls get a little commission. However, stay tuned to AHM's socials as the ghouls are cooking up a Sasquatch-themed giveaway where you could win a bottle of Turdcules too!) WHERE ELSE TO GET MESSY WITH THE GHOULS Website:  https://ahauntmess.blogspot.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/ahauntmess/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/AHauntMess Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/podcastahauntmess/?hl=en THE GHOULS Deedee, Sara, and Courtney MUSIC Nightmare Machine by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4133-nightmare-machine License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
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    1 hr and 12 mins
  • 57: A Haunt Mess Halloween 2020: Haunted Mad Libs and Ghost Stories
    Oct 27 2020
    The ghouls got all decked out for Halloween. Agent D brought an out-of-this-world Men In Black vibe, Sara V came prepared as the Devil's Advocate, and Court showed up as a Creepy Countess. They threw a virtual Halloween party, complete with games and real ghost stories. Including some of their own. Sara filled the other ghouls in on what happened when she did the Haunting at Home with her daughters. How did it differ doing it in person vs. virtually? What kind of results did they get this time? Did they have to use the Safety Hatch? Deedee shared an experience she had in the park in Old Town San Diego. While doing a walk-through video, she thought she heard a door open and a floorboard creak. She was in HGTV mode, not paranormal, so it caught her off guard. HAUNT MESS HAUNTED HEADLINES OF THE WEEK  This week's stories included ancient cats and a spooky sounding new ghost hunting PC game, Phasmophobia.  HAUNTED PLACES DISCUSSED THIS EPISODE The Elisa Lam story at the Cecil Hotel. (Deedee said this is one place she's not sure she could investigate. Court agreed.) Sara shared what both intrigues, entertains, and creeps her out about Nuke's Top 5 videos and which ones are her faves. (Randonauting!)  The Soothsaying Stalker of a Spirit named Kate, a.k.a. The Bell Witch from Adams, Tennessee. WHAT MAKES THIS EPISODE MESSY Pitchforks Broken frames "What will this haunted Halloween night hold for you?" Mad Libs Cleansing pee Shaking your eyes Brussel sprouts carving contest Itchy Halloween Earwigs "Corona made me say it!" Neuralyzers   THE "A HAUNTING AT HOME" PARANORMAL ADVENTURE Remember, if you want to support the ghouls (they get a little commission), you can purchase The Haunting at Home to try in your own home too.  Just visit The Haunted Walk and look for it under their Tours & Paranormal Adventures, OR click this link: https://hauntedwalk.com/the-haunting-at-home/. Use code AHAUNTMESS to get a 20% discount. WHERE ELSE TO GET MESSY WITH THE GHOULS Website:  https://ahauntmess.blogspot.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/ahauntmess/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/AHauntMess Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/podcastahauntmess/?hl=en THE GHOULS Deedee, Sara, and Courtney MUSIC You may notice it's a spirited new tune for the Halloween episode. It's called "Believe in the Magic of Halloween" by WinnieTheMoog
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    1 hr and 12 mins
  • 56: What Happened When the Ghouls Embarked on The Haunting at Home Paranormal Adventure?
    Oct 13 2020
    Jim from The Haunted Walks approached Courtney about a new product he was offering paranormal podcasters to try --A Haunting at Home, A Paranormal Adventure. She immediately asked the other ghouls if they'd be up for it. Obviously, they said yes. That's what this episode is all about! ABOUT THE HAUNTING AT HOME The Haunting at Home is part paranormal investigation, part spooky activity, that you can do with friends. (Or by yourself, if you're brave enough...) It's an online interactive audio experience that guides you through a series of paranormal experiments. It's probably better if you do it in person, but if that's not possible due to COVID-19 or the fact friends you'd like to do this with don't live close (as was the case with Deedee, Sara and Court), the ghouls proved with a few tweaks you can experience the Haunting at Home together virtually. SETUP They all gathered the necessary items --trigger and safe-- along with pens, paper and flashlights and settled in. Sara was down in her scary dark basement. Deedee used blackout curtains to dim her office. Court just turned out the lights in her office. She didn't have a great dark space to set up in. Sara had Eleanor, and Deedee had her four new dolls she got from Unsettling Toys. Did their dolls help provoke any interactions? NO SPOILERS We don't delve into what the experiments are so as not to prejudice anyone who may want to try it themselves. However, we do share some fun conversations --and paranormal activity!-- that came up while we did this activity. WHAT MAKES THIS EPISODE MESSY Cats (Deedee's jumping around in the background and Sara's sneaking up on her in the dark) Beheadings Dripping mirrors (Was it a physical manifestation?) Easy ways to make demons be gone Pareidolia Penis pictures Rabid demon poodles Rem pod musical EXPERIENCE IT FOR YOURSELF Have your own A Haunting at Home paranormal adventure! The Haunted Walks has set A Haunt Mess friends/followers/listeners up with a 20% discount code. Just use code: AHAUNTMESS Visit this link to get started: https://hauntedwalk.com/the-haunting-... (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=https%3A%2F%2Fhauntedwalk.com%2Fthe-haunting-at-home%2F&v=lih0bNkmMpE&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUNhcXZjVnE5UEIweHBhQVNEa1Rvd09CU1ZKZ3xBQ3Jtc0ttWG5ZRl9DWk9pbkVPVXJvaVh2X0dJUE1lZVp5NlJ3N0xDTUJwamRLYlZUa2Jtd2toVW9QNWhxdklqNDRsZHY5ODBfSjBqSWtlYm44Z0NrUFZnLUFmeEhDaU1GbWhuWEFiTWEtdVM4WlFLblVWT2FJcw%3D%3D&event=video_description) Disclaimer: We may receive a commission, for which we thank you! WHERE ELSE TO GET MESSY WITH THE GHOULS Website:  https://ahauntmess.blogspot.com/ (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=https%3A%2F%2Fahauntmess.blogspot.com%2F&v=lih0bNkmMpE&redir_token=QUFFLUhqazR2THdWSWRZZ3ZCNk1zV1ZnUjNPdTF4dElId3xBQ3Jtc0trbTFzbFBlR29LaktIU2VwaXJOclpxdG4xWHh2Y0ZFUUl2TkxieDg0a3VuSjhoNDlpc3Q3LW44aHlad2hjSkdGaVFON1lrRllQUEhLYUVpZTlqQUk1WnE1OGlLXzRPUWtJSHZsSFVsMGo3bXpsaXBIMA%3D%3D&event=video_description) Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/ahauntmess/ (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fpg%2Fahauntmess%2F&v=lih0bNkmMpE&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa1pYYW1KWW01Q0FZUEJYZ21sekh3SjZFQ1BQZ3xBQ3Jtc0ttbkV6OUtyUlVsUnNJUlJIRHBfcW9qU0Zybkg5NFYza29yclBnSVJCWDU1a3o5UXVnbkNySmNtLWVDUzdtQ25pSlkwemRXWlVLTE5VaWx0cl83dFZTeFJaZFlmelBZTUNRai11YmRpdW4wZzVFd0VoQQ%3D%3D&event=video_description) Twitter: https://twitter.com/AHauntMess (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FAHauntMess&v=lih0bNkmMpE&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbHhUdEZQWWd3Q3dYcmUwTHh0NWFKVDB1WkVwUXxBQ3Jtc0ttWW52TUtxcl9jcWZuV2xMNmI0UURFMTdESC00Zjh4OU1GQm4xa1pqbWlZM0xoTk1ENHBnZk80Sl93Nnlnd2JBY1VidlFjdWJWWE5pV0ZObXdiZHVpcVR1V25BdWllbEctYW1jRjBLd2JLcjc4bmp1Zw%3D%3D&event=video_description) Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/podcastahau... (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fpodcastahauntmess%2F%3Fhl%3Den&v=lih0bNkmMpE&redir_token=QUFFLUhqazZYRkViSGNvRGplV0pienRScTVEckZFZDFpZ3xBQ3Jtc0trQ05MSE9FNkFNV2hMejZiMGt6eDh0cXN5ZHhEWDFaakNUc3Vtd3pFbUdOTmZzLXlGS25rRmlpUWVVTTU1czZaejh2V0gybjBzOGxaZUhyeU9ZUDhlLVg0TWtIYWNoeGQ3UDd0TnRjYWptVHZVRkkzWQ%3D%3D&event=video_description) THE GHOULS Deedee, Sara, and Courtney MUSIC Nightmare Machine by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song... (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=https%3A%2F%2Fincompetech.filmmusic.io%2Fsong%2F4133-nightmare-machine&v=lih0bNkmMpE&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbU9lV3NuMzlTSEdEN3J2WmMxamo5eFFrRWltUXxBQ3Jtc0ttd1BCeXF4R2E5U0NlVzRrOWtTSHZnWGl3ajhRRzVSUVpFT1RRWDRiTUxOMVJnaHdjZkZLLWQ0MnU3eVZuQzR3NnRRUWY0WlBmQlNmdzJJLW5YVnFVa1Myc2tRUHlqQVBwS2J2NF9saUxaTnNaemJDMA%3D%3D&event=video_description) License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b... (https://www.youtube.com/redirect?q=http%3A%2F%2Fcreativecommons.org%2Flicenses%2Fby%2F4.0%2F&v=lih0bNkmMpE&redir_token=...
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    1 hr and 34 mins
  • 55: Rick McCallum Take 2: Exposed
    Oct 6 2020
    Which haunted headline did Rick think was the messiest? What prompted the phrase "cannibal life matters" to come up? Who did Rick call a shit bird? Which way in time would Rick rather go: backward or forwards? And why does Rick say conspiracy theories trump porn? The ghouls peeled back more of Rick's paranormal onion in this episode. They didn't get it quite right in Take 1, so they were glad he could join them for a Take 2. (Well, technically it's Rick's third time joining them, but this time went the smoothest with the fewest technical difficulties. Phew!) Last time Rick serenaded the ghouls, this time he recited some poetry for them...that involved potato chips. He schooled them in the importance of grammar and shared his theory of self-defense. Yes, the ghouls learned a lot more about Rick this go around, had a bunch more laughs, and even learned one of the ghouls is a naughty ghost hunter who got busted trespassing. Can you guess who? Speaking of, after her confession (around the hour mark), be sure to listen closely and see if you think the A Haunt Mess podcast phantom even had something to say about it... Haunt Mess Haunted Headlines Of The Week  Rick had some doozies to pick from. There was one about a Bigfoot spotted on the Little People's farm, a dude who stole a truck to have an alien encounter but then felt bad and returned it, and someone getting into a fight while waiting in line at a haunted house that resulted in them being shot and killed. Which ghoul shared which headline and which one did Rick pick as the week's messiest? Haunted Places Discussed This Episode Mansfield Prison Buffalo Central Terminal Leap Castle Mary Kings Close What Makes This Episode Messy Glowing up Covid and cannibals Punctuation matters Hippos on rollerskates Ghost lovers AOL Probing aliens and alien probes Bear deaths  Guest Info Rick's new book is Ghosts Believe in Me (https://amzn.to/3nxR598) , which is available on Amazon. Where Else to Get Messy with the Ghouls Online at https://ahauntmess.blogspot.com/.  Socially on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/podcastahauntmess/?hl=en) , Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/ahauntmess/?modal=admin_todo_tour) , and Twitter (https://twitter.com/AHauntMess) .  You can also tune in and watch their episodes on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFRfv6SdLb4Y07xAX0GhGkw/) . The Ghouls Deedee, Sara, and Courtney Music Nightmare Machine by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4133-nightmare-machine License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
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    1 hr and 33 mins
  • 51: International Podcast Day, The Fun with Friends Podcast & 4 Questions: How did the ghouls answer?
    Sep 30 2020
    Sara spotted a call for submission on The Fun with Friends Podcast's Twitter account for a neat episode they were putting together for International Podcast Day on September 30.  Here were the four questions the Fun with Friends Podcast posed: What inspired you to start your podcast? OR Why did you start your podcast? What is your favorite thing about podcasting? What's something you enjoy about the podcasting community? Name 1 or 2 podcasts that you would recommend everyone give a listen. How did the ghouls answer? Which question stumped which ghoul? Did they have the same answer for any of the questions? They're not telling. But they are including links (see below) to the podcasts each mentioned in response to Question 4. Can you guess who shared what podcast? If not, the answers are all in this brief episode, inspired by The Fun with Friends Podcast. Be sure to give them a listen and see what other podcasts participated and what their answers were. LINKS The Fun with Friends Podcast: https://anchor.fm/funwithfriendspodcast American Hauntings Podcast with Troy Taylor: https://www.americanhauntingspodcast.com/ Fate Magazine Radio with Kat Hobson: https://www.fatemag.com/fate-radio Haunted Histories with Penny Griffiths-Morgan: https://www.hauntedhistories.co.uk/ Last Podcast on the Left: https://www.lastpodcastontheleft.com/ Oddity Files with Kitsie Duncan: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/oddity-files/id1444980741 This Is Actually Happening: https://wondery.com/shows/this-is-actually-happening/ Where Else to Get Messy with the Ghouls Online at https://ahauntmess.blogspot.com/.  Socially on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/podcastahauntmess/?hl=en) , Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/ahauntmess/?modal=admin_todo_tour) , and Twitter (https://twitter.com/AHauntMess) .  You can also tune in and watch their episodes on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFRfv6SdLb4Y07xAX0GhGkw/) . The Ghouls Deedee, Sara, and Courtney Music Nightmare Machine by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4133-nightmare-machine License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
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    8 mins
  • 53: Rick McCallum Talks About His New Book, Ghosts Believe in Me, Take 1
    Sep 29 2020
    The ghouls welcomed back past guest Rick McCallum of the Hollywood Ghost Hunters to talk about his recently released book, Ghosts Believe in Me. Well, they tried to welcome him back. Computer Gremlins conspired against them. First, it was tricky to connect with Rick. Then, the Gremlins silenced Sara. The ghouls and Rick agreed it'd be better to try again next week. So...that's why this is Take 1. However, there were some usable moments. Rather than scrap the whole thing entirely, they pieced together these bits. Most are "What Makes This Episode Messy" kind of moments, but hey. Some episodes work out that way. Tune in for "Rick McCallum Take 2" next week! SUICIDE AWARENESS This episode does mention a disturbing incident Rick encountered. The ghouls want to emphasize, you are NOT alone. Help is ALWAYS available 24 hours a day and is only a phone call away via the National Suicide Prevention Line: 800-273-8255. WHAT MAKES THIS EPISODE MESSY Rick and Skype Sara's silent, but still very understandable, F bomb Uncooperative microphones Jumpers Ghost gangs and ghost bears Guard dogs on steroids Coldest comedy Eyelash language Bony little heads Rick's serenade (well, it wasn't messy. He's actually got quite a lovely voice.) GUEST INFO Find Rick's book on Amazon: https://tinyurl.com/y4uwrnaa WHERE ELSE TO GET MESSY WITH THE GHOULS Website:  https://ahauntmess.blogspot.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/ahauntmess/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/AHauntMess Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/podcastahauntmess/?hl=en THE GHOULS Deedee, Sara, and Courtney MUSIC Nightmare Machine by Kevin MacLeod Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/4133-nightmare-machine License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
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    23 mins