• What if my Husband is NOT the Spiritual Leader?
    Apr 19 2023

    Check out our website,  and get the 7 Marriage Challenges to start Creating Miracles in your Marriage today!

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    I recorded our first episode in the middle of what could have turned into a big, ugly fight over a cardboard box. Yes. Really. 

    I am not here to give you advice because trust me- I do not have it all figured out! There have been many days where we have wondered if our marriage is going to make it. 

    On this podcast we will seek the advice from husbands and wives whose marriages have stood the test of time and I ask them one question: Was there ever a time you wanted to call it quits, separate, or get a divorce? If so, how did you make it through it?

    Please connect with me on Instagram! 

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    54 mins
  • 😳Do you have a Back-Up Plan?
    Apr 5 2023

    Time to Throw Away Your Back-up Plan 

    Our guest this week shares that being married young was only the beginning of the obstacles they faced.  For her, she always felt as though she needed a “back-up plan.”

    Check out our website,  and get the 7 Marriage Challenges to start Creating Miracles in your Marriage today!

    Rate and Review Here! (scroll to the bottom)

    I recorded our first episode in the middle of what could have turned into a big, ugly fight over a cardboard box. Yes. Really. 

    I am not here to give you advice because trust me- I do not have it all figured out! There have been many days where we have wondered if our marriage is going to make it. 

    On this podcast we will seek the advice from husbands and wives whose marriages have stood the test of time and I ask them one question: Was there ever a time you wanted to call it quits, separate, or get a divorce? If so, how did you make it through it?

    Please connect with me on Instagram! 

    It wasn’t until about 10 years into their marriage that she had to give it all to the Lord and confront her back-up plan. From then on, her entire mindset around her marriage changed. 

    The thing is, for anyone who comes from divorced parents, there tends to be this idea that they need a back-up plan. A safety net, if you will. A way to not get hurt. 


    The motivator for this is almost always to protect themself from hurt. But the reality is, you will never ensure complete protection from pain. Your greatest form of protection comes from the Lord. 


    "Your back-up plan is hurting you and your spouse."


    In this week’s episode I interview Melody Jacobs. A mother of five who is passionate about her marriage, her kids, and seeing women find their potential. We talk all things marriage and what having a “back-up plan” is actually doing to you.


    Married for 25 years, Melody and her husband are overflowing with wisdom to share. High school sweethearts, they got married at a young age. When I asked Melody if there was ever a time in her marriage when she didn’t think it’d work out, she replied “yes!” 

    This week I encourage you to check yourself, do you have a back-up plan for your marriage? Does your spouse? Sometimes the reality is that this back-up plan is in the subconscious. There’s a subconscious need to protect and, until you confront it, your marriage will never reach its full potential. 


    God is big enough to change your heart, your spouse’s heart, and your marriage. The best thing you can do is align yourself with who the Lord wants you to be. If you do this, when trouble comes in – which it will – you will be centered and unshakeable. 


    By making it clear you do not have a back-up plan you are bringing stability to your marriage, your household, and even you. 


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    48 mins
  • How to be the Man your Family Needs, How Divorce Feels from a Child's Perspective
    Mar 22 2023

    What Your Family Needs From You

    Are you struggling to find balance within providing for your family and being present? Do you, as the man of the house, feel pressure to provide in more ways than you feel able to? Are you, as the woman of the house, struggling to understand what your family needs from you? Are changes that come with having kids taking a toll on you? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this episode is where you need to start in your quest for answers. 

    In the second part to last week's interview, Dan Yeazel shares the very honest reality he had to face, becoming consumed in the circle of success within his job left him missing everything within his home. The desire to achieve more and be able to provide more left his family missing his presence. Realizing he was caught in the trap of success led him to resign and face his truth that he was needed more at home than he was at work. He came to the understanding that his attempt to provide for the good of his family instead left them missing a huge part, him. 

    “Put balance in your life. Careers, money, will come, jobs will come and go; your family, your kids, will be gone.” 

    Click here to read the entire message. 

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    40 mins
  • Divorce is NOT an Option, Becoming a Team in Marriage...
    Mar 15 2023

    Divorce is Not an Option. If you feel like this advice is harsh because of how bad your marriage is, check out our free giveaway:

    "What to do if your Spouse is Tearing your Marriage Apart"

    So, what is the most downloaded episode in the history of this podcast? 

    I don’t think it’ll be a surprise! 

    When looking for the #1 all time episode, there was no shock when the statistics showed that the two-part interview discussing divorce are the two most downloaded episodes. In this episode, I interview Dan Yeazel and learn about the agreement he and his wife built the foundation of their marriage on, divorce is never an option. 

    Their driving force? Not wanting their kids to grow up seeing the things they did, not wanting their family to struggle with the implications of divorce.  

    “We walked into this marriage knowing and committing that divorce would never be on the table.”

    Not giving their marriage the option of divorce provided stability within their marriage, they both understood from minute one that divorce would never be an option, therefore it was not a lurking fear in the back of their minds. Marriage is hard and struggle is inevitable. Building your relationship through God can help the struggle not feel so lonely. 

     The best advice Dan shares to the stability of his marriage is seen in James 1:19, “Be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger” because, as Dan shares, “you can apologize but you can’t take those words back.” Words hurt, harsh words are unforgettable and neither your partner nor your marriage deserves that. 

    “God wants our families to stay together. Take a stand for your marriage!”

    Listen to the interview here to hear everything about marriage, the different roles between man and woman within marriage, and the ways in which turning to God can change everything for the better. The advice Dan shares is full of encouragement for you and your marriage. 

    For 3 steps on how to embrace this philosophy in your marriage, no matter how bad things are, read the entire blog post here. 

    Love Always, 


    PS. If you are a business owner in need of a website or graphic design, checkout my husbands business! He's honestly amazing!!! LenaDesignCo.

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    35 mins
  • Kids Sick Non-Stop? Can't Catch a Break? Here is some encouragement for the exhausted momma…
    Feb 21 2023

    It only gets worse... why do old people constantly tell us this lol!? listen in for some ways it DOES GET BETTER AND EASIER... 

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    13 mins
  • One Moment of Courage can Change your Entire Marriage...
    Dec 28 2022

    "I wasn’t a bad guy, I didn't do wrong things, I did everything to care for my children. But I didn’t understand that caring for my family meant caring for my wife. I worked hard but I didn’t often put her first. I put my own interest before my marriage. Really, more of the problems were centered around me and her processing through me putting her second. And her feeling second a lot was a lot of why she felt angry. She would respond in anger because she was so filled up with being treated poorly."

    Do not miss what our AMAZING guest Bryan Jacobs has to share on this episode!! Definitely one of my favorites!! Check out his podcast "The Underdressed Podcast" here!

    Check out his wife's podcast here the "Elijah Rising" podcast

    To give back to this podcast please become a patreon HERE

    If you're a business and need a website or graphic design check us out HERE

    I recorded our first episode in the middle of what could have turned into a big, ugly fight over a cardboard box. Yes. Really. 

    I am not here to give you advice because trust me- I do not have it all figured out! There have been many days where we have wondered if our marriage is going to make it. 

    On this podcast we will seek the advice from husbands and wives whose marriages have stood the test of time and I ask them one question: Was there ever a time you wanted to call it quits, separate, or get a divorce? If so, how did you make it through it?

    Please connect with me on Instagram! 

    We love you and want to remind you that God is for you and for your marriage and family!

    Thanks for joining us for all things husband and wife life, relationship goals, marriage advice,  Motherhood  and stepmom help!

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    36 mins
  • 1 thing that could be Wrecking your Marriage...
    Dec 7 2022

    "I begin to understand the sacrifice that goes into loving someone else. Never having been taught by a father and never really understanding what it meant to put your wife first, I begin to understand the level sacrifice that a man of God has to live by in order to be the kind of husband he’s supposed to be."

    Do not miss what our AMAZING guest Bryan Jacobs has to share on this episode!! Definitely one of my favorites!! Check out his podcast "The Underdressed Podcast" here!

    Check out his wife's podcast here the "Elijah Rising" podcast

    To give back to this podcast please become a patreon HERE

    If you're a business and need a website or graphic design check us out HERE

    GOD BLESS,  

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    55 mins
  • "Who is Influencing your Kids?"
    Oct 6 2022

    This is the second part of my interview w our amazing guest Vince Torres! Make absolutely sure you don't listen to this episode if you did not listen to the first half of our conversation where we talk to Vince about his upbringing. he shares how his mom raised him… She was a single mom and he shares some practical things she did inside of raising him that left a positive lasting impact. He also shares some encouragement for parents who may be in a tough season with their kids, maybe dealing w a rebellious kid or some teenage attitude or a kid who is off track. Get your hopes up because he has the best advice for parents struggling with that. 

    In todays episode we are talking about 3 things:

    1. why raise your kids to have faith? What’s the point are they any better off than kids who dont believe in god or kids who were raised without a religion?
    2. God has big plans for your childs life
    3. Public education vs private education and when is it most important to invest into your childs education? Elementary or college 

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    30 mins