• Senator Tom Daschle
    Aug 13 2024

    Senator Tom Daschle is an American politician who represented South Dakota in the US Senate from 1987 - 2005. He has served as both Minority and Majority Leader, twice. He was a co-founder of the Bipartisan Policy Center, and he remains incredibly active as Founder and Chairman of The Daschle Group, where he provides strategic advice on key national issues including health care, energy, transportation, and the environment.


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    43 mins
  • Pete Gosar
    Jun 24 2024

    Pete Gosar is the seventh of ten children. He grew up in Pinedale, Wyoming and is the younger brother of Paul Gosar, a Republican U.S. Representative from Arizona. Pete is currently Executive Director of the Downtown Clinic in Laramie, WY, and since 2018 has been a Albany County Commissioner where he presently serves as Chairman.

    We had the pleasure of speaking with Pete and learning about his legacy of service, and the opportunities to give back to others that shape his world-view. Pete shares his journey into politics and his dedication to serving the community through the local free clinic; where he has volunteered for 15 years. With a come-as-you-are mindset, Pete encourages everyone to engage in their local community, find ways to serve and support. You don’t need all the answers (or solutions) to make an impact.

    Website: ⁠ www.acommonamerica.org⁠

    Facebook: ⁠ A Common America⁠

    Instagram: ⁠@acommonamerica⁠

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    50 mins
  • Charles Wheelan, Unite America and Ranked Choice Voting
    May 24 2024

    This week we were honored to host Charlie Wheelan - professor, author and political reformist. We spoke with Charlie about the role statistics play in media & politics, the organization “Unite America” and his experience co-hosting Dartmouth Dialogues. An insightful and hopeful conversation on the past, present and future of America’s political landscape.

    05:07 Factors Contributing to the Divided Political Landscape

    09:01 How did we get to today’s divided and broken politics

    24:16 Uniting America: Promoting Reasonable Positions and Bridging the Divide

    27:25 The Need for Political Reform and Engagement in Local Politics

    30:44 Distinguishing Between Bipartisanship and Nonpartisanship

    32:00 Exploring the Potential for a Third Political Party

    35:29 Hope for bipartisanship in politics

    42:55 Concerns of Younger Generations: Climate Change and Income Inequality

    47:28 Taking Action: Engaging in the Political Process


    Unite America: www.uniteamerica.org

    Published Works: https://www.charleswheelan.com/books.html

    Dartmouth Dialogues: https://home.dartmouth.edu/dartmouth-dialogues

    Website: ⁠ www.acommonamerica.org⁠

    Facebook: ⁠ A Common America⁠

    Instagram: ⁠@acommonamerica⁠

    ⁠Petition: Require US House Members from Different Parties to Work Together · Change.org⁠

    Paid for by A Common America (www.acommonamerica.org).

    Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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    49 mins
  • Ukraine aid, Speaker Johnson, and Moderates in SF
    Apr 26 2024

    In this episode we discuss the recently passed foreign aid bill, speculate on the difficulties Johnson faced in moving this bill forward and repercussions he may face as a result.
    Due to the support of this bill, Johnson faces the wrath of Marjorie Taylor Greene who motioned to oust him. Marjorie Taylor Greene also directs her contempt towards Hakeem Jeffries, who would take over speakership if her motion is approved, with the support of others like Paul Gosar.
    We also discuss the recent change in hands of the San Francisco Democratic County Central Committee. Previously dominated by progressives, moderates now hold 18 out of 24 seats on the committee hoping to enact change in public safety, housing, support of labor unions and school excellence.

    00:00 Introduction

    02:00 Johnson and Ukraine Aid

    08:22 Internal Divisions within the Republican Party

    22:08 Importance of Bipartisanship and Problem-Solving

    31:43 Upcoming Interviews with Experts on Politics and Polarization

    Website: ⁠ www.acommonamerica.org⁠

    Facebook: ⁠ A Common America⁠

    Instagram: ⁠@acommonamerica⁠

    ⁠Petition: Require US House Members from Different Parties to Work Together · Change.org⁠

    Paid for by A Common America (www.acommonamerica.org).

    Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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    35 mins
  • Lead by Example -- Joe Lieberman
    Apr 5 2024

    Joe Lieberman, a stalwart figure in American politics, leaves a lasting mark on the landscape of public service in America. Throughout his distinguished career, Lieberman epitomized the virtues of bipartisanship, integrity, and unwavering dedication to his constituents. Thank you for your service, Joe Lieberman.

    Website: ⁠www.acommonamerica.org⁠

    Facebook: ⁠A Common America⁠

    Instagram: ⁠@acommonamerica⁠

    ⁠Petition: Require US House Members from Different Parties to Work Together · Change.org⁠

    Paid for by A Common America (www.acommonamerica.org).

    Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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    11 mins
  • Bipartisanship and A Key Race In Arizona
    Mar 29 2024

    In this episode we discuss media fragmentation, political polarization, gerrymandering campaign financing and other factors contributing to the lack of bipartisanship in DC. Despite these issues, we did see the passing of, what some consider, a landmark bipartisan spending bill that was passed earlier this month – hoping this signals a strong year for bipartisanship legislature.

    This episode also explores, what we believe, will be an exciting and interesting race for Arizona’s 9th Congressional district. Current Congressman Paul Gosar will be running against moderate-leaning democrat Quacy Smith in November.

    • Paul Gosar: https://gosar.house.gov/biography/

    • Quacy Smith: https://quacysmithforcongress.com/

    The final segment of this episode highlights several bipartisan groups working to move things forward in the US. These groups include:

    • Bipartisan Policy Center: https://bipartisanpolicy.org/

    • Problem Solver’s Caucus: https://problemsolverscaucus.house.gov/

    • Gang of 8: https://ballotpedia.org/Gang_of_Eight

    • Climate Solutions Caucus: https://climatesolutionscaucus-garbarino.house.gov/

    With a special highlight on the Climate Solutions Caucus; we discuss the impact climate change has already had on Arizona and what affects Arizona may see in the future. Gosar, historically, has not supported climate change legislation for his state.

    Arizona voters have an opportunity to elect a Congressman who is willing to take the potential impact of climate change in Arizona seriously.

    Gosar should perhaps consider joining the Conservate Climate Caucus, a new and growing group, to learn more about the devastating impact climate change may have on Arizona.

    00:00 Introduction

    01:08 Bipartisanship in DC

    01:51 The Fragmentated Media Ecosystem

    03:55 The Impact of Social Media

    06:04 American Support Democratic Norms, Politicians Are Not

    09:01 Gerrymandering and Voting Rights

    12:06 Money in Politics

    15:58 Bipartisanship and Compromise

    21:20 Passing a Spending Package vs Continuing Resolution

    23:00 More Chaos in the House

    23:45 The Importance of Bipartisanship in Arizona

    27:09 The Candidates: Paul Gosar and Quacy Smith

    40:54 Bipartisan Groups at the Federal Level

    42:12 The Climate Solutions Caucus

    42:53 The Conservative Climate Caucus

    45:12 Bipartisanship Summary

    Website: ⁠www.acommonamerica.org⁠

    Facebook: ⁠A Common America⁠

    Instagram: ⁠@acommonamerica⁠

    ⁠Petition: Require US House Members from Different Parties to Work Together · Change.org⁠

    Paid for by A Common America www.acommonamerica.org). Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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    47 mins
  • Gun Violence in America
    Mar 6 2024

    On countless occasions, gun violence has marred and devastated America through fatal shootings in schools, places of worship, grocery stores, concerts and the list goes on. The recent Superbowl parade in Missouri became no exception when shots were fired during the celebratory event. Lisa Galvan-Lopez lost her life and over 20 adults and children were injured.
    This episode explores gun violence in the USA and looks at Missouri’s current gun control policies as well as the impact of gun control legislation post-shooting.

    Gun Violence Archive: https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/

    John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, National Survey of Gun Policy 2023 results: https://publichealth.jhu.edu/center-for-gun-violence-solutions/research-reports/americans-agree-on-effective-gun-policy-more-than-were-led-to-believe Missouri State current gun laws: https://everytownresearch.org/rankings/state/missouri/

    Website: www.acommonamerica.org
    Facebook: A Common America
    Instagram: @acommonamerica
    Petition: Require US House Members from Different Parties to Work Together · Change.org
    Paid for by A Common America (www.acommonamerica.org).
    Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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    21 mins
  • A Common America
    Feb 18 2024

    Episode 1: Introduction to A Common America.


    The polarization of politics has our country more divided than ever—but if we can get back to the basics, we will realize that we agree on more than we disagree. At A Common America, we’re working to strengthen moderate candidates who will fight for all of us who are "in the middle", so that we can come together and ensure the safety and well-being of our families’ futures.

    In the pursuit of a shared vision, let us bridge the existing political divides and lay the foundation for a future firmly grounded in the strength of unity. As we navigate the intricate web of differing opinions, let empathy guide our interactions and understanding be the catalyst for change.

    Paid for by A Common America (www.acommonamerica.org). Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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    25 mins