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This is the first episode of 2025 and I’m delighted to bring you a really insightful and valuable conversation I had recently with Adam Rossi from Washington DC in the United States.
Adam is a born entrepreneur and always knew that he wanted to build his own company and be in control of his destiny. And so he launched a tech startup in the days before it was cool!
From a humble husband and wife team, he grew to a business selling billion-dollar software contracts to the CIA and all the main government agencies before receiving an offer he simply couldn't turn down, and he sold the company.
During our conversation, Adam talked about:
- The entrepreneurial ‘X factor’ and what he sees in every successful founder - and what's missing in many others.
- He talks about the importance of family in business and how to ensure your kids don’t become entitled once a lot of money is flying around.
- He breaks down what he calls ‘Saturday Afternoon Syndrome’ when after you sell your business and don’t have much to do, every day feels like a fairly routine Saturday.
- And he explained The Book of Wisdom - a charter of advice and guidance passed on from one exited entrepreneur to the next outlining what you must do to ensure a great life after you sell.
Tons of wisdom from an entrepreneur who’s carved out his own journey and is now happy to share in order to help others.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Mr Adam Rossi.
X - @rossiadam
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