Ex-convict and former basketball star Chris Monroe got addicted to drugs while on a Division 1 scholarship at the University of Idaho. After quitting school, he went overseas to play professional basketball - an opportunity he sabotaged because he "couldn't get high."
He returned to his hometown in southern California but later moved to Texas to be close to his family, who had relocated there. It didn't take long for him to wear out his welcome.
Don't miss Part 6 of "The Second Shot" with attorney Benson Varghese and Chris Monroe, who talk about his addiction and how his parents finally kicked him out because they couldn't handle him anymore.
He also shares an important lesson he learned in federal prison while serving time for drug conspiracy.
#chrismonroe #prison #thesecondshot
Chris is a former client whom Benson will never forget. A former Division 1 basketball player, Chris started using drugs and immersed himself in the rave scene in college. More than a decade later, he was arrested in a large-scale methamphetamine ring and sentenced to 10 years in federal prison. Now free, Chris is sharing his incredible journey - and why going to prison was the best thing that ever happened to him. The Second Shot is a video series and podcast that details Chris' childhood, basketball career, drug addiction, and the lessons he learned in prison.
Varghese Summersett PLLC
Board Certified Criminal Lawyers in Fort Worth, Texas. We handle state criminal cases in Tarrant County and surrounding counties. We also handle federal criminal cases across the country.