The last time I had Joe Illidge on the show, I couldn't believe the secret he kept from us. He's writing The Shadow Cabinet! But now, just a week ahead of release, Joe is free to tell all. Well, all he can tell us without spoiling the first issue. Listen to hear why EVERY MOMENT MATTERED, and just what this new series means for the Dakota Universe.
Back Graphic Samurai: The Art of Denys Cowan on Kickstarter here.
About Joseph P. Illidge:
Joseph started his editorial career at Milestone Media, Inc., the influential comic book publisher profiled in the MAX documentary “Milestone Generations”
His groundbreaking editorial runs on the Batman line of comic books for DC Comics and Lion Forge’s “Catalyst Prime” superhero imprint featured in The Hollywood Reporter reflect Joseph’s expertise in curating inclusive hero fiction.
Profiled as one of the “Best Editors” in comics, Joseph was featured in the History Channel documentary series, “Superheroes Decoded”, discussing popular heroes from Superman to The Black Panther.
Joseph is a member of the Board of Directors for the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund, and the recipient of a Citation from the New York State Assembly for exemplary community service through career achievement.
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