Opening the envelope that holds your credit card is always an exhilarating experience. To tear the seal & open the letter that holds your maximum credit limit is an exciting task for every individual.
Click on this link to know about yes bank credit cards:
1. Activate your card
The first step is activating your card, which is an easy 2- to a 3-step process. You must simply call the given number & authenticate your details. These days you can also receive an OTP on your registered mobile number to set your card PIN.
2. Destroy old cards
In case this new credit card is an upgrade from the bank or opted by you, destroy the old card by cutting through the magnetic strip.
Click here to know about the best yes bank credit cards.
3. Read the rules & regulations
Apart from the blessed document that holds your card & its limit, there are other documents that are a part of the kit. Ensure a thorough read through them all as they enlist the rules & regulations that you are liable to follow.
4. Spend within your limits to pay within your comfort
However high your credit limit may be, make sure that you hold your horses on the expenditures. To make sure that your credit score is not hampered, make full payment of your credit card dues every month.
5. Check your credit score
Conduct regular credit checks to know how your score has progressed & what measures you must take to repair it, if needed.