Author, educator and long-time Minnesota political activist Dave Racer joins me to discuss educating our kids in American Government, healthcare policy, modern politics and a way forward.
Dave's biography:
Rosanne Jung and I met in high school choir at St. Paul Johnson in 1965. We were married in 1967 at Amarillo Air Force Base, but moved back to St. Paul after I completed four years of military service. We moved to one of the Twin Cities’ wonderful suburbs in 2020. We have five children, Deb, Deanna, Dave, Dan, and Dawn – four are married. We have 10 grandchildren.
In 1986 I wrote my first book, Smokie’s Last Job. In 2021, I completed my 54th book. So, I write books. Biographical and true crime. Public policy. Health Care. Some fiction. I help others with their books, too, as an editor, co-author, and publisher – See Alethos Press. Twenty-one of those books focused on health care.
In 2020, I revived my blog – “America’s Civics Teacher.”
As a main stage and seminar speaker across the country my talks are about health care, American Government, and a variety of contemporary issues.
Teacher & Tutor
For more than 22 years I taught American Government–For Real!!, a survey course for high school, home schooled students, presently at Mid-Metro Academy in St. Paul. The 2021 Session of Student Senate is the 20th year I have led this student practicum in making laws – I love it. Contemporary Issues gives me a chance to share critical learning about the issues with which today’s young people contend.
During the Fall of 2021, I will be teaching Introduction to American Government as an Adjunct Professor at North Central University in Minneapolis.
I’ve written and conducted more than a dozen continuing education courses about the U.S. Health Care system for professional insurance brokers and consultants.
In 2009, I received my Master of Letters Degree from Oxford Graduate School. Prior to that, i completed (and wrote) scores of industry and professional courses. I started as a music education major at Macalaster College in St. Paul, then the University of Minnesota. Later, I majored in Educational Psychology at the University of Southern Mississippi. I graduated from St. Paul’s John A. Johnson High School in 1965.
Employment & Military Service
After serving four years in the United States Air Force (1967-1971) I worked for a time in retail and wholesale furniture sales. Since 1974, I’ve been self-employed in several different capacities – ServiceMaster, public policy groups, publisher of Dave Racer’s Minnesota Report, host of The Dave Racer Show (talk radio), today as a free lance author, writer, publisher, and speaker.
Political and other Affiliations
Presently I am a member of the Minnesota and National Association of Health Underwriters. In 2020, I became the President of Freedom’s Dream Foundation. In 2020, I joined the Board of Human Life Alliance. I am a Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Trustees. I am the...