• 18. The Dreaded KPIs
    Jun 25 2024

    Everyone who works in recruitment has an opinion about KPIs. It seems (from the stream on Linkedin) to be a polarising topic.

    My call on it?

    A business without KPIs is going to be weaker for it. And just because you’ve worked for a recruitment agency that beasted you with them it doesn’t make them broken.

    It only means the beasting was.

    A KPI is a thing of beauty when it can guide you to high levels of performance. And who doesn’t want that?

    And real KPIs can even help you to make more money by doing less work… beast me that all day please.

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    23 mins
  • 17. 5 Keys to Sales Success
    Jun 12 2024

    For many recruitment agencies there is a need to win more clients. Increase revenue opportunities and become more consistent with selling.

    The quick response to this for many businesses is to look at training and skills development.

    Yet this doesn’t always bring the results that you’d hope.

    There are foundational elements that need to be in place to win new clients and develop business from existing customers.

    Join me on this episode as I share the five keys to sales success. The building blocks to increasing sales performance for you and your team.

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    24 mins
  • 16. Revisiting Business Development Tactics
    Jun 4 2024

    If you’d like to win more new business and cement stronger relationships with existing clients, there’s a proven tactic that works.

    Any tactic that works does well when it is done... well.

    And the marketing of High Value Candidates keeps you positioned as being valuable to your audience. When you can pick the right person, build the right list and create an impactful value proposition about the candidate you’re winning. And let all those recruiters who look down their nose at the tactic carry on blaming the market for their failings.

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    17 mins
  • 15. Building Recruitment Campaigns
    May 28 2024

    When you work in recruitment, life can feel like a series of jobs that get worked. Some you fill, some you don’t.

    To increase the number of jobs you successfully fill it helps to see the process as a campaign. To run it as a project.

    It’s not a vacancy your working on (too transactional) it’s a campaign to deliver the hiring messages to the right people. And some of those people are easier to get hold of than others.

    The more you map your campaign to successful hire (hint – the 4D Recruitment Method Sprints will really help with this) the higher the probability you win retained business and you deliver an experience that wows your customer.


    If you'd like to discover more about The 4D Recruitment Method and how it can help you sign up for the weekly newsletter:


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    22 mins
  • 14. Positioning Yourself To Win More Business
    May 21 2024

    Positioning helps others to understand your offering and how you can add value to their business.

    Many of the prospects (and clients) you encounter will have an assumption as to how you work and what you do based upon interactions working with your competitors. That gives them fluency with your competitors, not you.

    Recruitment agencies still compete with each other on how quickly they can find people or how many CVs they can find because “they’re a specialist”.

    That’s not the driver for change in this market.

    Join me in this episode as I share ideas to help you position your recruitment business as suitably different. To win higher quality projects and work.


    Remember, if you'd like to find out more about The 4D Recruitment Method and how you can start to implement it in your business then sign up to the weekly 4D Recruitment Method newsletter.


    You can also connect with Jeremy directly on Linkedin


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    19 mins
  • 13. Real Job Qualification
    May 14 2024

    Would you like to make more placements each month?

    Or would you like to win more committed customers who choose you for your service rather than your pricing?

    There’s plenty of advice in the world about sales and marketing. What you want to pay attention to is your delivery and onboarding. This is the experience your customer will remember.

    How you onboard clients, qualify their requirements and get to the heart of what they want (rather than their assessment of what they need) will separate you from the competition.



    🗞️ For more from The 4D Recruitment Method sign up to the weekly newsletter at https://www.4drecruitmentmethod.com/newsletter-sign-up

    📹 You can also watch this Podcast on our YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxSYk4W5-ji0TIOXKTXBfPw

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    21 mins
  • 12. The Secret to Recruitment
    May 7 2024

    Recruitment agencies across the globe are seeking the secret sauce to stand out from their competitors. When clients are hiring, most agencies focus on the “finding” of talent. The race to get product (CVs) to the client and to begin the process – to get candidates into interview or started in a contract.

    And in those agencies the emphasis is on qualifying candidates – qualifying their interest in the job, the steps they’ve taken to find work and their skillset. The differentiator is when you interview your candidates and protect your client from hiring the wrong people who look good on paper. Few of your clients know how to interview.

    It’s why they need the help of a good recruitment business and not a staffing agency.


    To discover more about The 4D Recruitment Method go to: https://www.4drecruitmentmethod.com/newsletter-sign-up

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    24 mins
  • 11. You Are Not Your Competitors
    May 1 2024

    As obvious as the title is, not everyone recognises this to be their truth. And when your customers (or prospects) treat you like your competitors it becomes more difficult to stand out. Being different is hard (apparently). Most recruitment agencies take the other path and attempt to stand out by being better. When your marketing and sales message revolve around being better then price becomes a bigger differentiator for clients.

    When you behave differently. Talk differently and take a different perspective on prospects assumptions about who you are and what you do, you win better business. Because by design, you’re different. And that’s what sits at the core of The 4D Recruitment Method.

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    19 mins