FREE TODAY: Download The Total Mind Control Handbook ($27 Value) Ready to be a GUEST or SPONSOR? (taking applications now) Let's chat Welcome to EP 440, another exciting episode of the Neuro Performance podcast with your host, Andy Murphy! (FAVORITE GUESTS: 3 Million + downloads: Mathew Knowles (Beyonce's dad), UFC Bruce Buffer, Dennis Mckenna, Tony Jeffries, Matt Gallant, Nick Onken, Sanjiv Chopra (Deepaks brother) Listen now and Visit to select your favorite platform or watch the full interview on YouTube TODAYS EPISODE I dissect a clip from Dr. Cal Newport and Dr. Andrew Huberman where they discuss the root causes of burnout, highlighting how modern work practices. I love this episode, as it starts to address, really the underlining issues, and you understand that it not really a tech issue, but an ongoing to psychological and habit issue, which then ripples through an organisation and culture in general. I of course, share my perspecitive and tools to help you navigate your brain and nervous system. In this episode, you will learn: - Why you must diagnose Burnout in Knowledge Work: Quantity vs. Quality of Work- How thinking of Cultural and Organizational Shifts are Needed for Change- Why pschology and mastering it, is your biggest skill to learn- How NLP, neuroscience, and neuro performance is the operational manual for your brain LINKS The Total Mind Control Handbook ($27 Value): Coaching (personal or corporate) COURSES KEYNOTES CHOSE YOUR FAVORITE PLATFORM Itunes Spotify Youtube CONTACT ANDY Coaching (personal or corporate) COURSES KEYNOTES ABOUT PODCAST 3+ MILLION DOWNLOADS FAVORITE GUESTS: 3 Million + downloads: Mathew Knowles (Beyonce's dad), UFC Bruce Buffer, Dennis Mckenna, Tony Jeffries, Matt Gallant, Nick Onken, Sanjiv Chopra (Deepaks brother) Jordan Harbinger, Nathan Latka, Michael O’Neil, Shanda Sumpter, Ari Meisel, Dennis Mckenna, Jill Stanton, Bio Optimizers, Yuri Elkaim, Jayson Gaignard, Tony Jeffries, Shawn Wells, Theresa Depasquale, Ilan & Guy Ferdman, Hither Mann, Peter Sage, Jayson Gaignard, Jeff Woods, Matt Gallant, Nick Onken, Scott Oldford and many more. ABOUT ANDY MURPHY Andy Murphy is a world-leading neuro-performance expert, who for 22 years has developed his cutting-edge protocols by working with the best in sports, health, online, finance, and royalty, to now focusing his passion on the next generation to assist them in being at their peak performance during the great wealth transfer so that they can create an incredible future for us all.