Topics covered in this episode: httpdbgPyPI Now Supports iOS and Android Wheels for Mobile Python DevelopmentArcade Game Platform goes 3.0PEP 765 – Disallow return/break/continue that exit a finally blockExtrasJokeWatch on YouTube About the show Sponsored by us! Support our work through: Our courses at Talk Python TrainingThe Complete pytest CoursePatreon Supporters Connect with the hosts Michael: / (bsky)Brian: / @brianokken.bsky.socialShow: / (bsky) Join us on YouTube at to be part of the audience. Usually Monday at 10am PT. Older video versions available there too. Finally, if you want an artisanal, hand-crafted digest of every week of the show notes in email form? Add your name and email to our friends of the show list, we'll never share it. Michael #1: httpdbg A tool for Python developers to easily debug the HTTP(S) client requests in a Python program.To use it, execute your program using the pyhttpdbg command instead of python and that's it. Open a browser to http://localhost:4909 to view the requests Brian #2: PyPI Now Supports iOS and Android Wheels for Mobile Python Development Sara Gooding“the Python Packaging Index (PyPI) has officially begun accepting and distributing pre-compiled binary packages, known as "wheels," for both iOS and Android platforms. “Next up, “cibuildwheel Updates Are in Progress to Simplify iOS and Android Wheel Creation” Michael #3: Arcade Game Platform goes 3.0 via Maic SiemeringThis is our first major release since 2022.It keeps the beginner-friendly API while adding power and efficiency.Arcade now supports both standard OpenGL and ShaderToy ( a-shaders through a compatibility layer.Since 3.0 is a major release, the full list of changes is over Brian #4: PEP 765 – Disallow return/break/continue that exit a finally block Accepted for Python 3.14I wouldn’t have thought to do this anyway, but it’s weird, so don’t.Will become a SyntaxWarning catchable by running with -We Extras Brian: Correction: Niki Tonsky was originator of “Pride Versioning”. Thanks NikitaCorrection: Scheme is actually awesome. Brian is just a curmudgeonAlso: pytest-rerunfailures is good for exposing flaky testsAnd apparently me being wrong was a great to get at least one person to blog more. Cheers Filip Łajszczak Michael: Tea pot follow up While you're right that some software actually had this implemented, Python does not. It's not an officially accepted HTTP status code, it was proposed in a 'joke' RFC. I guess Python - even though its name comes from the funny TV series Monty Python - is not so funny. httpx, your (or at least -my-) favorite HTTP module for python, does have the I_AM_A_TEAPOT constant.By the way, there are some HTTP status codes that changed their names in RFC 9110, for instance, http.HTTPStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_CONTENT (422, previously UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY)Pride follow up to upgrade your mini? Joke: How old is she?