35 | Is There a Mr. Right and Are You Ready to Meet Him? Part 2: A Discussion with Dating Coach Linda Geiger Hello Jesus People Sisters! Have you been waiting for Mr. Right to show up? What’s your first step if you haven’t dated in a long time? Dating and relationship coach Linda Geiger will answer these questions and more in Part 2 of our interview.
May this episode bless you!
Ellie and Janine
Linda Geiger (a retired RN) is a professional coach, innovation leader, author, educator, and speaker. As a Christian entrepreneur, she is the CEO and founder of her own virtual love and relationship coaching practice. She promotes living a life of passion on purpose in service to God.
Linda is known for creating ease and fun (a certified laughter leader!) while guiding intuitive client insights during coaching sessions. Coaching outcomes include delightful and powerful self-discoveries and strategies as women’s lives become more and more of what God created them to be.
Her generous, visionary perspective has led her through surprising professional adventures and accomplishments in the U.S. and internationally. And she has enjoyed some state and national nursing awards along the way. But the honor of celebrating big wins with the women she mentors or coaches is what sparks her own passion and joy in the Lord each week.
Linda lives in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado and loves to travel to beaches, try new hiking trails, and visit with family and friends over yummy dinners wherever she goes.
How to connect with Linda Geiger:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/linda.geigervoyle
E-mail: linda@lindageiger.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@lindageigerloveattraction5739
Website: www.lindageiger.com (testimonials, etc.)
Free Gift (e-book): https://www.lindageiger.com/free-gift
Linda's new 10-module self-study course: https://www.lindageiger.com/sales-attract-your-man-self-study-course
Job 22:28
Philippians 4:8-9
Psalm 37:4
Philippians 4:13
Psalm 34:10
Matthew 6:33
John 14:13
Jude 1:24 (NASB 2020)
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Jesus People Sisterhood Senior Housing - For Single Christian Women 50+ https://www.facebook.com/groups/1880725785690917
Visit Janine Jordan’s website at https://www.riseupcoachingandconsulting.com/
Visit Ellie MacCormick’s website at https://samaramountain.com/
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