Episode 277-Can God Do That?
If I came up to you and said, “Do you believe God can do anything? Do you believe He is all-powerful?” you’d probably say, “Yes!”
You’d say you serve a mountain-making, mountain-moving, earth-shaking, sky-shattering, miracle-working, dead-raising, sick-healing God who can do anything!
But let me ask you this: Do you believe He will do those things for YOU?
Do you believe He will move mountains in your life? Or does part of you feel like those miracles were for long ago or for other people—but not for you?
I wrestled with this question for a long time. I knew God was powerful, but when it came to my own struggles—especially with my weight—I acted as if He couldn’t (or wouldn’t) help me. I prayed, but deep down, I didn’t believe my situation could change.
That mindset kept me stuck. I kept trying to fix things on my own, relying on diets and willpower, and ignoring the one thing God had already shown me—His plan for me.
The truth is, nothing is impossible for God. But we have to believe Him enough to follow His lead instead of taking matters into our own hands.
That’s what I want to talk about today.
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