How do I get relief from this endless pain? How do I stop being angry or asking why or trying to do the million things that seem impossible?
Grief is like that movie ‘Groundhog Day’ – the same thing day after day after day. It seems like there’s only changes for the worse and that kind of routine starts to wear on you after a while. It also erodes your hope for a future that is different – never mind a happy future.
There are three things that will help you when you feel like all ya got is grief, that life can’t get better, and that God has forgotten you. These things will relieve some of the expectation pressure, help you in your interactions with God and serve as a reminder that tomorrow can and will be different!
This episode is a replay from the top4 most downloaded in 2024. I introduce Coffee & Kathy Weekly Devotionals on Grief 2 Great Day. Replays from last year are available on your podcast app.
WORD of the Week And ye now therefore have sorrow: but I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice, and your joy no man taketh from you. John 16:22
Song of the Week Never Ever Give Up by Matthew West
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