//00:00//Taylor Swift's 1989 (2014)//On the most special guest//On grandiose albums//On the first MF double album//On a shining light in the darkness of residency year one//On the lazy MJ comp//On a maybe concept album//On a synth pop masterpiece//On the Capitol One commercial arc//On Polaroid getting the TS treatment//On Country to City//On the female empowerment jackhammer//On a sneaky ensemble record//On "Again" and "Next"//On being the sole property owner of "Stay" Island//On Harry Styles emotional mining//On This Love and Clean renaissances//On listening parties aging very well and terribly//
//(1:05:56)//Taylor Swift's 1989 (Taylor's Version) (2023)//On 4 of 6 Taylor's Versions//On Once Upon a Time at Big Machine Records//On Taylor declining bad deals//On Scooter Braun being the perfect bully name//On covering yourself//On powerful messaging about not compromising on what's yours//On being elite holders of Taylor Swift vinyl//On Becca loving the vault action//On Antonoff guarding the vault//On what it would take to cancel her//On Taylor the great uniter//On sharing Taylor Swift with your best friend//
//(1:35:03)//Holy Shit Broh, We Made It To 20 Eps!//On celebrating 2-0 with guest 1//On catching up//On practical music integration//On 38 hours, you're welcome!//On finding familiar water in an ocean of music//How classical music made during WWI brought Metal to the world//On New Categories for//21//and beyond!//
//(2:26:48)//Preview of episode//21//