Welcome back to OSR October! This week, Joe dives deep into the original magic system used in Dave Arneson's Blackmoor, the proto-Dungeons & Dragons campaign. Blackmoor's magic system is very different from what we see in modern D&D. Here, magic users don't memorize spells – they create potions and other formulaic concoctions that need to be prepared beforehand. These ingredients can be dangerous or difficult to find, and spells are single-use! Joe also shares his fascination with single-use magic and mentions his own homebrew rules for creating magical items that are used up after a single cast. Do you think single-use magic could be interesting? Would you try running a game with this system? Share your thoughts in the comments! Links mentioned in the episode: Rules to the Game of Dungeon: https://playingattheworld.blogspot.com/2012/08/rules-to-game-of-dungeon-1974.html Don't forget to subscribe for more OSR October goodness! Happy gaming! Happy life! Share your thoughts via: 🌐 sayhi.chat/dekahedron 📧 feedback@dekahedron.com 📞📱 562-RPG-CAST (562-774-2278)
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