From an early age, she struggled with sneaking and bingeing on food. At just five years old, she went on her first real diet. Despite a structured food plan and supportive parents, she could not stop eating. She never felt full, turning eating into a game to see how much she could consume. As she grew older, the game lost its fun. By junior year of high school, she weighed 250 pounds, felt isolated, and did not fit in with her peers. To control her weight, she turned to excessive exercise and starvation methods to lose 60 pounds, but like the results of all diet attempts, that weight loss did not last long.
In college, her eating spiraled out of control, and her weight soared to 280 pounds. Desperate to fit into a bathing suit and regain control, she joined Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA). Initially, she found some success, but her unwillingness to fully commit to the program led to a painful relapse. As her obsession with food intensified, she found herself eating like an animal, completely powerless over her compulsion. Realizing she needed help, she returned to FA and began to consistently work the program. Through this process, she discovered peace and healing. Now, she lives in harmony with her body and finds joy in each day.