How you position your Discovery Calls to your prospects is vitally important to the outcome. If you’re planning on letting them ‘pick your brain’ enough so they see you know your stuff and throw money at you - that’s not going to fly, and you’ve probably tried it so you know it doesn’t work.
In this episode I share five ways you can ensure your calls aren’t a waste of your precious time and do actually convert into sales for your business.
By listening [and taking notes], you’ll learn:
- The importance of properly clarifying your prospects goals which allows you to match your service offering to what they want
- How you don’t need a script but having a process, a flow, a sequence of questions to ask to help guide the conversation so that it is (a) productive and (b) informative to make a decision, is helpful for both parties
This episode is the second in a series which marks December (2024) as being the month of Discovery Calls. Each Monday throughout we will focus on an aspect of improving your businesses Discovery Calls, as well as a Masterclass on December 16, visit for more details.
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If you’d like to work together with me as your 1:1 business and marketing consultant, book a call here.