In this Transmission,
REWRITING PAST TIMES, takes you on a journey of ancestral healing and the imprintation that occurs through each lineage. And that FORGIVENESS is the most essential part to rewriting the past times. We can never control on how or what happens in our lifetime but we can CONTROL on how we REFRAME it for ourselves, actually awakening into spirituality allowed me to see my own personal journey in a more expanded sense of understanding, as well as WAYNE DYERS words in many way brought me to a place to seeing the gift of the lesson but more importantly the level of awareness of forgiveness that is needed to move on with my life, especially if your caught into a circle of trauma. Forgiveness always starts with SELF and moves on from there to the others at play. Myth is that you need to be in contact with that other person to forgive, the answer is NO, a simple letter will do to complete that end of the relational dynamic. We carry at least 7 years of ancestor DNA in all of us, so the forgiveness done within yourself will be carried onto future generations. So how can you apply forgiveness to yourself today?
Thank you for tuning in with me today with Human & Beyond.
If you feel that anyone needs to hear this message for today please share it out to this world
If you feel called or curious about exploring your own gifts beyond the 5 senses, please feel free to connect with me.
To connect with Raven:
Instagram: @ravenblu555
Facebook: Raven Blu