In this Transmission,
BEYOND THE 5 SENSES, takes us on the journey beyond our day to day senses that we carry as human beings and unites us back to our innate self & ancient teachings & wisdom that we have lost along the way in this life. NO one is left out, as we all carry this expanded consciousness as we begin to unlock our own soul truth and wisdom we begin the process of remembering who we really are, as we are not the body or mind level but we are the SOUL.
And as this process occurs we start seeing LIFE in a different way and carry a different understanding of the true reality of life reincarnated back in this body form of the human, when we look into the mirror we begin to see our SOUL talking to to us through our eyes, we begin to TUNE IN at different levels of listening, seeing, knowing, feeling as there is a more of a expanded universe than we can ever imagine once to believe possible to exist but if you give yourself permission or should i say curiosity of what LIFE is really all about you begin to allow yourself to expand out and witness the sacredness that this LIFE really does bring. We live in a multidimensional universe and this awakening and remembering brings you to state that you begin to see the magic gifted to us everyday and truly see the interconnectedness of us all in this world.
Thank you for tuning in with me today with Human & Beyond.
If you feel that anyone needs to hear this message for today please share it out to this world
If you feel called or curious about exploring your own gifts beyond the 5 senses, please feel free to connect with me.
To connect with Raven: