Special Guest: David Tang, author of the brand-new "Pro Ember Data".
Get 20 % off David's new Book "Pro Ember Data" with discount code:
EmberTang on apress.com
- 00:14 - Introduction
- David Tang: @iamdtang | davidtang.io
- Kenneth Larsen: @kennethlarsen
- Jan Buschtöns: @buschtoens
- 02:19 - How did you get into Ember?
- 06:03 - First Book "Ember Data in the Wild"
- 09:15 - From Blog Post to Book
- 10:34 - Leanpub: Agile Bookwriting
- 12:23 - Second Book "Pro Ember Data"
- 13:48 - Physical Books
- 15:08 - Growing Interest in Ember.js
- educative.io
- Mike North on FrontendMasters
- 17:38 - Teaching Data Mgmt
- 19:50 - Data Mgmt is Important
- 21:49 - Adapting to Non-Standard APIs
- 24:35 - Non-CRUD APIs
- 26:00 - Ember Data still the Default?
- 28:07 - Relationships: Paginating `hasMany`
- 31:05 - Relationships: `{ async: false }`
- Q by @alexlafroscia
- ember-data-storefront
- 37:08 - Local Store Queries
- 38:03 - Batch Updates
- 40:42 - Organizing Code
- 43:00 - JSONAPI 1.1: Atomic Operations
- 43:47 - ember-orbit
- Interfacing with Ember Data
- EmberConf 2018: The Future of Data
- ember-animated
- 45:30 - Slimming Down Ember Data
- Q by @mehulkar
- EmberFest 2019: Ember Data (@runspired)
- 47:37 - ember-m3
- 48:40 - Alternative Libs
- 49:55 - ember-cli-mirage
- 52:47 - Contract Testing: ember-cli-pact
- 58:31 - Data Mgmt in Other Frameworks
- 01:00:20 - How to Buy "Pro Ember Data" & Wrapping Up
- 20 % discount with "EmberTang" on apress.com