Tonight Mr. Preston Schleinkofer joins Troy to talk about what is happening at our borders. Preston is the owner and host of the Civil Defense Radio podcast. He is also retired from the US military after 22 years serving in the Active, Reserve, and National Guard components in Military Police, Psychological Operations, Air National Guard Security Police, and finally in a Nuclear, Biological, Chemical (NBC) Defense Company with the Texas Army National Guard. He is also retired from federal law enforcement after over 27 years of service. He served 16 years on the South Texas border as a Border Patrol Agent and Supervisory Border Patrol Agent. and in Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) as Deportation Officer in San Antonio, TX and as a Supervisory Detention & Deportation Officer/Section Chief at Headquarters ICE Intelligence in Washington, DC, retiring after 11 years with ICE. He and his wife still live close to our nation's capital, but not too close.
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