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In this episode, we discuss the casting annoucement of John Lithgow as Dumbledore and what we can expect. Enjoy!
· 2:00 What did we get in the book versus the film? In the book, Dumbledore is very wise and much more chill than the film. In the film, Dumbledore has a much more intense way about him. Especially when Michael Gambon took the part, Dumbledore became an intense guy with a lot of energy.
· 12:51 How will he be translated? In an ideal world, it will be in the small moments. It’s the little conversations and interaction that really give the characters their dimensions, so if we could have that with Dumbledore, we could get a more rounded view of him.
· 17:00 Was he translated well? Yeah, I guess. On the whole it was fine, there were just little details that weren’t so great. The change in character gave the films a challenge to match the characters yet continue to build upon them.
· 21:52 Should he be the same? No, defiantly not. But that isn’t because he was bad in the film, but because he should be more expanded. If one of the films was stretched out, would Dumbledore be the same? Probably not, the same way the show won’t be the same in the best possible way.
· 24:31 Prediction. I predict that Dumbledore won’t be perfect, which might be a fail in my book. Absolute perfection would be the only way to succeed, and the bar is too high for true perfection. But that’s not to say that he won’t still be a fantastic character.
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