Have you ever had a bit on the side? If not, we encourage you to
There are many benefits to having a side hustle – any work or project outside of your main job that allows you to earn an extra income, learn new skills, develop an idea, meet new people and teach you something.
Jac started a side hustle when she was living in Singapore and had a need… she continued her side hustle for years and it taught her more than any MBA could have. Ral set up her side hustle when she was in corporate, it served her well and is still going to this day – though became more than her side hustle.
Jac & Ral encourage everyone to have a side hustle – it might be the one employment thing you can control.
Listen in to get inspired on what a side hustle really is, how to start one, why it is good to have one and find out why ‘having no time’ is not a good excuse to starting one!
Enjoy Keepers!
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Produced by Keehlan Ferrari-Brown