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Dark K-Thrillers for fans of ‘Squid Game’

Dark K-Thrillers for fans of ‘Squid Game’

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Amid the great K-wave of the last few years, we've seen some twisty and surprising sagas of class warfare in Korean society: the over-the-top haves and the desperate have-nots. In many of these stories, there’s opportunity to rise above your appointed station—but you will pay for it with your soul, your spirit, and sometimes your life. Nowhere is this type of dark contemporary meditation on class more pronounced than in Netflix’s Squid Game and Bong Joon-Ho’s 2019 blockbuster film, Parasite. But Korean crime fiction can be just as intense, genre-bending, and provocative on similar themes. Thrown into the mix of K-thrillers, and not lightly, is intense psycho-drama, they couldn’t survive without this element and creators of Korean crime stories are not the least bit shy about “going there.” Let this selected list of listens guide you through this growing subgenre of Korean literature.
