The 10 best audiobooks on writing

The 10 best audiobooks on writing

This post was originally published on

National Novel Writing Month—or NaNoWriMo, as the pros call it—is the one time every year you can be totally obsessed with your novel, live knee-deep inside your own stories, and no one can say anything about it! It is, in short, a creative writer's dream (or nightmare, depending on how well you write under pressure).

Here's the gist: this creative writing project challenges novelists from newbies to seasoned professionals to write a 50,000-word novel between November 1 and November 30. If that sounds crazy to you, you’re not alone. I’ve personally been working on a novel in earnest for the past two years, and it’s been living in my mind for a lot longer than that. But hey—that's the whole point. Stories live inside all of us, and they matter. From fantastical epics to realistic shorts to flash-fiction, we each have our own wonderful story to tell. And it’s about time we let them all out.

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On Writing
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