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Welcome to Oddible

Welcome to Oddible

We Audible Editors spend a great deal of our lives listening to audio of all kinds, so it’s inevitable that we come across something that makes us feel simultaneously weirded out and oddly captivated. These listens might not fit neatly into conventional genre boxes or have plots or topics that are easy to summarize, but that just makes us more passionate about connecting them with the right, er, oddience. So whether you’re after the undeniably bizarre or something that’s more “weird to me,” we’ve got you covered.

A true treat, like a dog biscuit soaked in blood

Dispatches from the astral plane

An otherworldly take on reality, maternity, and identity

Beat your existential dread

A one-of-a-kind coming-of-age perspective

Life is suffering—and then you die

Well it's the truth, innit?

This story turned me feral

Finding the twisted in the everyday
