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This promotion expires 31 October 2021. The promotion is valid for Book Depository customers who are new members of Audible in Australia or New Zealand and who sign up for an Audible 30-day trial membership at You'll automatically receive 2 membership credits for $0/month during the first 30 days of your membership (the “trial period”). Second credit may be added at any time during first 2 days of trial period. After the trial period, membership renews automatically for 1 title/month at the regular monthly price, currently $16.45/month. Cancel anytime. The offer has no cash alternative. Limit one per customer and account. The offer is non-transferable and may not be resold. Other terms and conditions apply, including Audible's Conditions of Use and claim code terms and conditions. If you violate any of the terms or conditions, the promotion will be invalid, and the offer will not apply. This promotion may not be combined with other offers. If your credit card is declined, the offer will not apply. Terms prohibited by law shall be void without prejudice to the remaining terms.